Arma 3 の安定版に先行して、新しい機能の追加や不具合の修正、設定の微調整をおこなう開発版がリビジョン 135285 に更新され、うごきながら武器を切り替えられるようになりました。これは 拡張パック Apex にむけた機能の一部とのこと。また抑制効果へのコマンドがオーバーホールされています。
EXE rev. 135285 (game)
EXE rev. 135268 (launcher)
Size: ~186 MB
EXE rev. 135268 (launcher)
Size: ~186 MB
- Tweaked: The texture of the RPG-42 Alamut can now be changed via camo selections ("Camo_1", "Camo_2"). Loaded/empty versions are handled via model config (a rocket as a "magazine" selection) instead of the modelSpecial property in the rockets' CfgMagazines entries
- Tweaked: The Zeus, Spectator and Splendid cameras are now using the controls configurable in the 'Camera' category in options
- Fixed: The transport helicopters called by the Supports module would sometimes refuse to move
- Tweaked: Another Armillion of translation and localization fixes
- Fixed: Sound lists in the attributes of waypoints and triggers were not sorted alphabetically (
- Tweaked: The Stance can now accept the "AUTO" value
- Tweaked: The Vehicle Lock was updated to accept the "LOCKEDPLAYER" value
- Fixed: A code execution from the Debug Console would not work after a scenario save (
- Added: Additional reporting of ErrorMessages to the RPT file to help solve crashes
- Fixed: Vehicles with the hideObject set to 1 would fall under the surface after a save file was loaded
- Added: New slingLoading and slingLoaded animation sources
- Fixed: The Animal FSM was not loaded correctly
- Fixed: An object hidden via the hideObject command would not be hidden after loading a save file
- Tweaked: The PlayerDisconnected mission Event Handler is now called even when the OnPlayerDisconnected command is not used
- Fixed: The height parameter of a trigger was not synchronized in a multiplayer environment
- Fixed: Sound resources were not properly released, possibly causing cracking sounds
- Fixed: The new camera actions had incorrect names
- Tweaked: The “Pyrotechnic” character trait was renamed to “ExplosiveSpecialist”
- Fixed: Pressing the CTRL key while zoomed in would zoom the view out (fix applies for the general GetAction usage -
- Tweaked: The Suppression command was overhauled
- Fixed: The isInside command did not reflect the existence of the height parameter for triggers
- Tweaked: The setSpeciality and getSpeciality script commands were renamed to setUnitTrait and getUnitTrait
- Added: New commandSuppressiveFire and doSuppressiveFire script commands
- Fixed: Characters would have an incorrect FFV animation when switching a stance while getting in a vehicle
- Fixed: Falling bullet casings were not audible
- Fixed: There was a problem with unassigning a target for suppression
- Added: A new userInputDisabled script command (returns true when the user input is disabled)
- Added: A new getTerrainGrid script command (returns the current size of the terrain grid)
- Fixed: The commanding cursor was offset in freelook
- Fixed: The isNumber command would return false for large numbers (
- Added: Weapon switching on the move
- Tweaked: Some unfinished Shared Objectives functionality was removed or shifted to the Diary
- Added: New setTaskMarkerOffset and taskMarkerOffset script commands
- Fixed: A potential crash connected to the setSimpleTaskCustomData script command
- Fixed: A relative path to the Task Type texture was not read correctly
- Added: Support for setting up an area inside objects and logics (e.g. modules)
- Tweaked: The dialog displaying an alert about missing addons while importing a scenario was improved
- Fixed: The backup SQM file was removed when there were some addons missing during a scenario import
- Tweaked: Widgets are now calling the AttributesChanged3DEN Event Handler on objects
- Added: Support for Drag&Drop of entities from the Edit list to the Scene
- Fixed: The Rotation Widget would display a change before it really happened
- Added: Support for creating 3D areas in objects and a possibility to change their shape (e.g. from a rectangle to an ellipse)
- Fixed: Dragging of a trigger by holding its area with a mouse was no longer possible
- Tweaked: The move3DENCamera command would not work with a map interface open
- Fixed: Trigger without a name was registering itself as an empty string
- Fixed: Preview and a map drawing for rectangular object areas were incorrect
- Fixed: Potential crashes connected to Steam
Arma 3 の開発版を使う
Development Branch Changelog - ARMA 3 - DEVELOPMENT BRANCH - Bohemia Interactive Forums
OFP CWCからはや15年、やっとArmA兵士は歩きながら武器を持ち替えることを習得したんですね(泣)