Arma 3 の新しい機能の追加や不具合の修正、設定の微調整を先行しておこなう開発版が、リビジョン 145335 へ更新。 Warlords アップデート (v1.86) で追加されたゲーム モード warlords に多数の調整が行われたり、新しいスクリプト コマンドを追加しています。
EXE rev. 145335 (game)
EXE rev. 145335 (launcher)
Size: ~302 MB
- Added: Parameter for the number of steps (animation frames) in BIS_fnc_resizeMarker
- Fixed: Xi'an FFV seat view when in optics mode (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T136046)
- Tweaked: Vehicle wheel durability
- Fixed: The VR Training Placeables Course would not finish properly due to a tank not running over a mine (fix iteration)
- Tweaked: Adjusted the occluder shape for BluntRock_wallH (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T135887)
- Added: BIS_fnc_mapGridSize (returns the current size of the map grid square)
- Tweaked: Asset requesting routines for AI
- Tweaked: Path planning routines for AI
- Fixed: Some modded airplanes would crash upon landing
- Fixed: Ejection seats and canopies from fighter jets no longer block runways
- Fixed: Some airplanes would need to double-take a landing
- Added: Individual asset lists
- Fixed: The mode would not work properly in a singleplayer environment
- Tweaked: Arming mines in your own base is no longer allowed unless the base is under attack
- Fixed: It is now possible to get rid of vehicles purchased by AI (via the action menu) before a player took control over that AI
- Fixed: Static defenses are now properly calculated towards the maximum amount of assets
- Tweaked: The team killing penalty duration is now increased progressively up to 5 minutes for each 3 player kills or 6 AI kills
- Added: The sector zone restriction border width is now customizable for each sector in the module window
- Fixed: Sector voting is now handled properly even if the only player who voted disconnects before the voting has finished
- Added: The maximum group size is now defined in the Warlords Init module
- Fixed: Fast travel to a contested sector no longer lands you in water if there is land somewhere around the sector
- Added: You can now further customize various classes for dynamically spawned assets
- Added: 64 players version of the Whole Altis scenario
- Added: 32 players version of the Malden scenario
- Added: 32 players version of the Stratis scenario
- Fixed: Helicopters would land on inconvenient locations when ordered from the airstrip in the Tanoa (South) scenario
- Tweaked: Various sector and zone border sizes were adjusted to avoid pointless zone restriction triggering
- Fixed: Various script errors
- Fixed: The "Starting CP" parameter in the Warlords Init module would set up incorrect values for some settings
- Added: Unless their base is under attack, all playable units are now invulnerable after respawn until they leave the base (60 seconds maximum)
- Fixed: Several misleading Spanish translations
Development Branch Changelog - Page 54 - ARMA 3 - DEVELOPMENT BRANCH - Bohemia Interactive Forums
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