Arma 3 の安定版に先行して、新しい機能の追加や不具合の修正、設定の微調整をおこなう開発版がリビジョン 134079 へ更新され、光がとどかないとろこにできる、わずかな陰陽も表現できる技術 HBAO+ が有効化されました。
EXE rev. 134079 (game)
EXE rev. 134079 (launcher)
Size: ~117 MB
- Access to Eden Editor is not working correctly after swapping the default scenario editor
Eden Editor
- Fixed: Characters are no longer able to reload while being punished in Zeus mode
- Fixed: Characters are no longer able to shoot their rifle in the inventory searching animation after closing their inventory UI in the prone stance
- Fixed: The transition from prone to prone adjust up is no longer slower with a sidearm than with a rifle
- Fixed: The display names of some texture sources for Vehicle Customization were not localized
- Fixed: No tasks were present in Showcase Zeus
- Fixed: Corrupted data for Asian heads
- Tweaked: Eden Editor is now the default editor. When you click on the EDITOR button in the main menu and open terrain selection, the 3D EDITOR button is now the primary button in the bottom right corner, and double-clicking on a terrain name in the list will open the Eden Editor.
- Tweaked: Enabled FIA units in Eden Editor for all 3 sides
- Fixed: Headgear randomization on civilians and FIA combatants was overriding custom loadouts configured in Eden Arsenal. The randomization is now disabled completely in scenarios created by the Eden Editor.
Eden Editor
- Fixed: Careless AI jet pilots would ignore flyInHeight when they noticed enemies
- Fixed: htmlLoad ignored files in the scenario directory with disabled file patching (http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=27427)
- Fixed: Sound - An invalid instruction causing crashes upon firing on some hardware
- Added: HBAO+
- Tweaked: Minor performance optimization when drawing weapons and vests (continued)
- Added: New command missionVersion
- Fixed: Impossibility to sync to an empty vehicle
- Tweaked: Eden Editor is now made to be the default editor
HBAO+ と既存の HDAO を比較してみた画像は こちら。画像にマウス カーソルをのせると、HDAO が表示されます。
Arma 3 の開発版を使う
Development Branch Changelog - ARMA 3 - DEVELOPMENT BRANCH - Bohemia Interactive Forums
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