武器の安定化と 2 脚を実装する Arma 3 開発版のリビジョン 129712


Arma 3 に新しい機能や不具合修正を先行して実装する開発版がリビジョン 129712 へ更新され、 マークスマン DLC武器の安定化2 脚 が初めて利用可能になりました。



  • Uses several placeholder animation sets (WIP)
  • There is no profound difference between deployment with / without bipods (WIP)
  • Chance of getting stuck or otherwise glitching (WIP)
  • You cannot be run over by vehicles while deployed (WIP)
  • And a collection of other issues (WIP)
  • Fixed: When the benches of the MH-9 were removed, then added, they were added folded
  • Tweaked: LH IKs for SPMG
  • Added: Empty belt links for Navid and SPMG machine guns
  • Fixed: Even more ‘Try before Buy’ scopes
  • Added: disableCollisionWith and enableCollisionWith
  • Fixed: Infantry hits were not calculated precisely in Arsenal
  • Fixed: Switch between Arsenal / Garage was visible even outside of demo mission
  • Changed: Disabled mass change when BIS_fnc_initVehicle is called from the Garage (Arsenal)
  • Added: Correct icons for the Field Manual entries of the new weapons
  • Fixed: Static laser designators have the same level of zoom as the hand-held ones
  • Added: Reading Arsenal / Garage assets updated to a new format
  • Fixed: Mar-10 black hiddenSelectionsTextures
  • Fixed: Trigger animation for Kir is more precise
  • Tweaked: Moved brass ejection memory points, added memory points ejectstart and ejectend for ammo belt pieces
  • Tweaked: Introduced proper firing modes for AI for the Navid and SPMG, so it is now actually able to use these weapons
  • Fixed: Changed names of designator icons to work fine with slotability of weapons
  • Added: #BIPODS
  • Updated: End Game multiplayer Public Alpha (see Announce Thread)
  • Added: File and product version to extension description
  • Fixed: Usage of UAVs zoom / optics / weapon switching
  • Added: Weapon Deployment
  • Changed: Raised game version because of changes in MP (Weapon Deployment)

武器の安定化機能は、武射撃精度を高めるもの。2 脚を使うデプロイ射撃と、銃身を障害物に置く依託射撃の 2 種類がゲームで利用できるようになります。

DLC に実装される武器の安定化機能などは無料で使えますが、新しい 7 つの武器を撃つには、マークスマン DLC を購入している必要があります。

  Arma 3 のマークスマン DLC で実装される機能をお披露目したライブ配信まとめ



Development Branch Changelog - BI forum

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