Arma 3 の AI 強化の Vcom AI がバージョン 1.10 へ、車両がより歩兵を支援するように

Arma 3 の AI の行動を充実させ、プレイヤーの満足度を高める AI 強化の Vcom AI がバージョン 1.10 へ更新され、車両がより歩兵を支援するように鳴るなど、様々な改善が行われました。

Vcom AI では、AI の行動を制御する FSM をコンパイルしてミッションに使えるようにした物で、AI の行動を多岐にわたって改良を施します。またアドオンをサーバー側に導入し全てのミッションに適用させられる事も可能です。


  • Vehicles: Make vehicles support infantry more reliably. Still needs some more love.
  • Code: Fix error message about returning parents of a class. (Check if isNil then exitwith...)
  • Players: Players will no longer utilize AI scripts.
  • Code: Better Zeus integration. Still needs some love.
  • Groups: AI will garrison nearby statics if possible.
  • Groups: Double check GUARD waypoints and garrisoning.
  • Players: Sometimes players swapping to control AI will not fully take over the AI and have to fight the unit for control...
  • Vehicles: Improved AI driving skills...made them avoid simple obstacles.
  • Groups: AI will now consider the threat level of enemy groups. If a groups "Nerves" are too much, and they are heavily out numbered, they may choose to retreat (rout) for some time.
  • Code: Optimize AI suppression code.
  • Groups: AI will actually use statics on their backs now.
  • Groups: Make AI flank/follow waypoints better.
  • Groups:AI will not execute most VCOM AI code when their leader is a player.
  • Code:Userconfig folder implemented. It's implemented in such a way that it will not crash if it isn't will simply fall back on default variables.

AI Overhaul - Reactive Squads - BI forum

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