Arma 3 で、極めて現実的な無線通信を再現する Advanced Combat Radio Environment 2 MOD がバージョン へ更新され、AN/PRC-148 内にあるスクリプトの不具合が新たに修正されています。
ACRE 2 は音声通信ソフトの Team Speak 3 を利用して、無線無しでは近くに居るプレイヤーとしか話せないなど、自然な会話・無線通信環境を作り出す MOD です。
Omnibus Edition
- AN/PRC-77 Manpack Radio added
- Virtual Arsenal no longer shows 2000+ radios
- Fixed issues with i7 K CPU users
- Removed click from buttons on the 117 and 152
- Fixed pink noise volume scaling with radio selected volume
- Added lower headset toggle keybind
- Fixed a compiler issue of plugin-per-compile compatibility
- Optimizations for PFH regarding transmission reception on 148/117/152. This should greatly reduce the FPS drop when rx
- Fixed ACRE volume settings not loading or being saved in some circumstances
- Fixed volume controls and feedback displays on the 152 and 117
- Fixed being able to set a power of 9999 on the 152/117
- 152 can now actually specify its squelch
- RX only now actually RX's only
- Fixed an issue with a script error which happened in some spectator scripts (GDT/F3)
- Fixed an issue of a script error in the 148
- Fixed an issue where the JVON icon wouldn't appear in the system tray at launch
- Fixed an issue where AGM would cause JVON not to auto-start
- Fixed an issue where spaces and/or quotes would cause server config loading issues
- Fixed a bug where jvon server_win32 would cap connections to 16 sometimes
- Fixed an issue where dedicated servers would sometimes not initialize JNET
ACRE2 オムニバスと呼ばれる仕様は、 Team Speak 3 といった外部音声通信ソフトが不要になる機能です。詳細はこちら
IDI Systems / ACRE2-Public | GitLab
ACRE2 は実物の無線機と同じ操作方法を再現、現地通訳プレイヤーを必要とするバベル システムなど様々な機能が実装されています。
MOD には Arma 3 用 Community Base Addons と TeamSpeak - TeamSpeak 3 が必要です。
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