タスクフォース無線通信 MOD がバージョン 0.9.0 に更新で新要素と無線機が実装

arma3で現実的な無線通信を環境を構築するタスクフォース無線通信 MOD
新たに追加された BLUFOR への AN/PRC-154

Arma 3 で現実的な無線通信を構築する タスクフォース無線通信 MOD がバージョン 0.9.0 へと更新が行われ、地形による電波の減衰という効果と BLUFOR と OPFOR へ新たな個人携行無線機や航空機用の大出力無線機が追加されました。

この MOD では Team Speak 3 を介して 3D サラウンドによる現実的な無線通信や、実際の会話と同じようにする 100 人以上のプレイヤーが同時に協力プレイなどのゲームをプレイ可能となっています。


arma3で現実的な無線通信を環境を構築するタスクフォース無線通信 MOD
新たに追加された BLUFOR への PNR-1000A



  • Terrain interference of radio
  • New type of radio - rifleman radio (by default given to everyone except teamleaders)
  • AN/PRC-154 rifleman radio (2km) (classname: tf_anprc154, default for independent side)
  • RF-7800S-TR rifleman radio (2km) (classname: tf_rf7800str, default for west side)
  • PNR-1000A rifleman radio (2km) (classname: tf_rf7800str, default for opfor side)
  • New type of radio - airborne radio (40km): 1 , 2 , 3
  • Backpack model
  • Multiband support (receive/send on 2 channels per radio)
  • Inventory access animation when adjust radio dialog
  • No longer uses hint but a custom HUD ( tfar_fnc_showHint )
  • Key to fast switch radios (default: Ctrl + [/] cycle SW, Ctrl + Alt+ [/] cycle LR)
  • Key to fast switch stereo mode (default: ctrl + up/left/right for SW, alt + up/left/right for LR)
  • Capacity of backpack radios increased
  • Items from original backpack are moved to new radio backpack if they can fit (on respawn)
  • Personal radios have a range of 5km (AN/PRC 152, Fadak, AN/PRC 148 Jem)
  • LR radios distance is 20km
  • Vehicle bound LR radios distance is 30km
  • Airborne bound LR radios distance is 40km
  • Menu to copy settings to another radio
  • Module to enforce TFAR usage, give teamleader's LR radios, give rifleman radios to team members, terrain interception coefficient, channel name (serious mode), channel password (serious mode), same SW frequencies for side, same LR frequencies for side
  • Module to set settings for sync'ed units' side; encryption Code, LR radio type (classname), SW radio type (classname), rifleman radio type (classname) , SW Frequency (SQF array of strings), LR Frequency (SQF array of strings)
  • Module to set settings for sync'ed units; SW frequencies (SQF array of strings), LR frequencies (SQF array of strings)
  • All radios now have classes
  • Added default support for the following mods ( HAFM ArmA 2 HMMWVs Import , HAFM ArmA 2 US Helicopter Import , HAFM ArmA 2 UK Wheeled , HAFM UAZ Cars , C-130J Port Release )
  • New font for radios
  • Interference affects updated
  • Near players are muted in TS too
  • Changed plugin commands to use \t (tab) instead of @, allowing @ to be used in nicknames with no issues
  • Prefixed all functions with TFAR_
  • Prefixed all variables with TF_
  • No longer uses CBA's extended handlers for init, CBA is still required for key handling and some other stuff
  • Added new keys to in game briefing
  • Using BIS_fnc_areFriendly for encryption code checks
  • Support for version 20 of TS API
  • Increased player position update frequency
  • Voice volume is transferred to plugin as a number instead of string
  • Group settings are only used if radio is default side/faction radio
  • Send radio settings to plugin more frequently
API: 修正:
  • Check for inheritence of V_RebreatherIA (to support diver device in other rebreathers)
  • Big HUD size support
  • Removed overriding of default dot marker
  • Size of anprc148jem's image adjusted down to same as other radio interfaces
  • Plugin no longer moves you back in cases of changing channel in TS (lightweight mode)
  • Clipping on mixing
  • TS plugin no longer overrides CLIENT_META_DATA, which causes issues with other plugins
  • Various optimisations of the mod, improving performance where possible
  • Volume in TS is 20% lower (I hope)
  • Updated links in English version of help

最新の資料は Wiki に記載されています。

この MOD には A3 用 Community Base Addons が必要です。

Task Force Arrowhead Radio - BI forum

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