Kaelies' South Zagorian 軍 MOD にアメリカ海兵隊などが追加

Kaelies' South Zagorian 軍 MOD

Chernarus の地方である South Zagoria を国と仕立てあげると同時に、軍のユニットを Chernarus 国防軍と Takistani 軍を Arma 3 へ追加する South Zagorian Army MOD がバージョン 0.4.1 へと更新され、M16a4, M4, HK 416 を使用するアメリカ海兵隊、近代化された Chernarus 国防軍が追加されました。

Kaelies' South Zagorian 軍 MOD
近代化された Chernarus 国防軍の BMP-1
  • Added new sounds for Ishapore, FN FAL, Scar-H
  • Added BMP-1, T-34, T-55, ZSU-23-1 Shilka to RDS compatibility plugin
  • Added BMP-2sz variant vehicle to the RDS compatibility plugin, with Ataka Missiles and a better engine
  • Added groups to the RDS compatibility plugin, which should make it usable with ALiVE
  • Added 2A42, Konkurs launcher, as vehicle weapons with sounds that are in-line with the rest of the addon, now present on the BMPs.
  • Added USMC faction, using M16a4, M4, HK416, and other goodies
  • Known Bug: USMC use RPG as placeholder, instead of SMAW
  • Added Field Medics, Field Doctors
  • Added XMedSys compatibility plugin (under optional folder)
  • Added ASDG compatibility plugin (under optional folder)
  • Added filters to South Zagorian Mi-24 hinds, and CDF Mi-24vp hinds.
  • Fixed overpenetration of infantry bullets (Thanks to Reyhard)
  • Fixed Isklaristani camo oversaturation
  • Fixed: Mi-24p Falanga and Shturm variants have reversed naming
  • Fixed: UN Tanks have wrong crew classname

この MOD ではロシア軍も追加されています。

Kaelies' South Zagorian Army Mod - BI forum

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