Arma 2の Advanced Combat Environment 2 MOD で実装されていた現実味が強い医療システムを、Arma 3で再現する XMedSys医療システムアドオン がバージョン0.1.3 ベータへと更新され、モルヒネのオーバードーズ効果など多数の機能が実装されました。
使用方法や特徴は こちら 。
モルヒネを過剰投与による影響 |
- 痛みの緩和へモルヒネを使用可能に
- Medkitの再利用
- checkunitでReal Valueが表示される
- モジュールから設定が編集可能
- added variable to change the "Check Unit" messages to real values instead: X39_MedSys_var_Action_CheckUnit_OutputRealValues (default: true)
- added variable to set the upper limit for bleeding rate: X39_MedSys_var_Bleeding_maxBleeding (default: 10)
- added variable to set the upper limit for received damage: X39_MedSys_var_maxDamage (default: 5)
- added first basic functionallity to the module (currently only overlay settings)
- added blood view in knock out gui (when dead) [ ]
- XMedSys menu now outputs unit name too
- Check unit now also outputs the unit name
- new ppEffect for morphine overdose
- new variable to (dis)allow morphine overdose ColorInversion: X39_MedSys_var_pain_ColorInversion (default: true)
- new variable to (dis)allow morphine overdose ChromAberration: X39_MedSys_var_pain_ChromAberration (default: true)
- MediKits now can be used up to 5 times (depending on the mediKit you take) [ ]
- new classes:
- x39_medikit2
- x39_medikit3
- x39_medikit4
- x39_medikit5
- Bleeding now can knock you out (only when youre below the defined level)
- removed variable: X39_MedSys_Healing_MorphineValue
- added pain to game and gave morphine a use [ ]
- new variable to change tickRate (min. time between ticks): X39_MedSys_var_TickRate (default: 0.25)
- new variable to (dis)allow bleeding: X39_MedSys_Bleeding_Allow (default: true)
- new variable to (dis)allow pain: X39_MedSys_var_Pain_Allow (default: true)
- new variable to (dis)allow morphine overlay indicator: X39_MedSys_Display_Overlay_EnableMorphineView (default: true)
- new variable to (dis)allow health overcharge when using morphine: X39_MedSys_var_Pain_AllowHealthOvercharge (default: true)
- new variable to (dis)allow healing when using morphine: X39_MedSys_var_Pain_MorphineAlsoHeals (default: true)
- new variable to change pain addition: X39_MedSys_var_Pain_Modificator (default: 1)
- new variable to change morphine overdose reduction: X39_MedSys_var_Pain_MorphineEffectReducedPerTick (default: 0.001)
- new variable to (dis)allow pain blur: X39_MedSys_var_Pain_Blur (default: true)
- new variable to (dis)allow pain ColorCorrections: X39_MedSys_var_Pain_ColorCorrections (default: true)
- new variable to (dis)allow pain RedScreen: X39_MedSys_var_Pain_RedScreen (default: true)
- new variable to (dis)allow pain GreyScreen: X39_MedSys_var_Pain_GreyScreen (default: true)
- new variable to (dis)allow morphine overdose: X39_MedSys_var_Pain_AllowMorphineOverdoseEffect (default: true)
- new variable to change max morphine overdose: X39_MedSys_var_Pain_MaxHealthOvercharge (default: 1)
- new variable to change morphine overdose effect manipulator: X39_MedSys_var_Pain_HealthOverchargeEffectManipulator (default: 1)
- new variable to (dis)allow blending of pain GreyScreen: X39_MedSys_var_Pain_GreyScreenManipulator (default: 1)
- new variable to change the max pain a player can receive (gets calculated to a percentual number): X39_MedSys_var_Pain_minPainToMaxPain (default: 10)
- new variable to change tickRate (min. time between ticks): X39_MedSys_var_Pain_MaxBlur (default: 1)
- removed function: X39_MedSys_fnc_runCamShakeThread
- removed function: X39_MedSys_fnc_runBleedingThread
- removed function: X39_MedSys_fnc_stopBleedingThread
- added function: X39_MedSys_fnc_runTickThread
- added function: X39_MedSys_fnc_registerNewTickHandler
- added function: X39_MedSys_fnc_TH_bleedingHandler
- added function: X39_MedSys_fnc_TH_tourniquetHandler
- added function: X39_MedSys_fnc_TH_painHandler
- added function: X39_MedSys_fnc_setUnitPain
- added function: X39_MedSys_fnc_closeBlackOutDisplay
- updated userConfig to correct default value:
- enableOnAllMissions (true -> false)
- fixed "Captive after Respawn" [ ]
このMODには同梱されている XEventSystem が必要です。
XMedSys - Improved Medical System for A3 - BI forum
XMedSys医療システムアドオン ベータ後初の更新
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