Arma 3 に冷戦チェコスロバキアを追加する クリエイター DLC: CSLA Iron Curtain の不具合を修正する、ホットフィックス第 2 弾が配信。アニメーションを更新したり、多数の不具合を修正しています。
DLC では 1954 年から 1990 年まで共産国だったチェコスロバキア軍を実装する内容で、Mi-8 hip、T-72 主力戦車、OT-62 APC といったチェコスロバキア軍の装備や、アメリカ軍の M113 などといった車両があります。
- siren sound for VB ADA
- MP5 - animated zeroing
- M16 - animated zeroing
- M21 - animated zeroing
- Script for tactical numbers on CSLA vehicles. Setting "0" hides the number.
- Mi17, UH60 - damage tweaked
- tweaked effectiveness of PLDVK AP ammo
- tweaked effectiveness of M2 ammo
- M1025 - adjustment of attributes for setting graphical symbols
- Mi-17 MG missing rear door in shadow LOD
- CSLA vests - thin green line on the belt
- Arsenal - removed duplicate models of backpacks and vests
- US85 - 30 mm and 25 mm ammunition - tweaked efficiency
- US85 - Vulcan - dispersion, ammo characteristics
- ČSLA, US85 - PTŘS - homing, utilization by AI
- ČSLA, US85 - Strela, Stinger - removed manual control of missile
- adjusted offset for AI on highways
- OT62 - interior proxy conflict with CUP
- SP Mission Battlefield - enemy counterattack did not come even if all other tasks were finished
- SP On a mission - occasionally mission did not continue if none of player's AI team members died
- SP Manava - mission will not end if player kills himself and then uses teamswitch
- UH60 - destruction of rotor after hitting trees/objects
- Mi17 - destruction of rotor after hitting trees/objects
- V3S - cabin shadow LOD tweaked
- V3S - removed dashboard label from camo selection
- UAZ para - adjustment of windshield hinge in cargo LOD
- M1IP - adjustment of the model on the inside of gun barrel
- Offroad Motorcycle - last LOD
- M2 rate of fire lowered
- compatibility data - terrain can now be previewed in the editor (but not played)
CSLA Iron Curtain - Changelog - ARMA 3 - CREATOR DLC - Bohemia Interactive Forums
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