Arma 3 開発版がリビジョン 146505 で新しいスクリプト コマンド


Arma 3 へ新しい機能の追加や不具合の修正、設定の微調整を先行しておこなう開発版が、リビジョン 146505 へ更新。ユニットの目標を取得する getAttackTarget など、いくつか新しいスクリプト コマンドを実装しています。


EXE rev. 146505 (game)
EXE rev. 146505 (Launcher)
Size: ~ 220 MB


  • Fixed: The (grenade) throwing sound while holding a pistol, launcher or no weapon at all, was not correctly triggered FT-T151956
  • Fixed: Smoke not being visible while looking through Kiosk glass FT-T151139
ネタバレ (Old man)
  • Fixed: A discussion with Keystone at St. Maria island was interrupted by an incorrect line
  • Fixed: An explosive charge placed by Syndikat would not detonate every time
  • Fixed: Possible script error when the player gets into Koumac and the task received there was not created


  • Added: New script command getLoadedModsInfo FT-T151377
  • Added: New script command getAttackTarget
  • Added: New script command unitTurret
  • Added: New script command selectionNames to retrieve such names per LOD DT-T123926
  • Added: New script command namedProperties FT-T151256
  • Added: New script command is3DENPreview
  • Added: New script commands ctrlScrollValues, ctrlSetScrollValues for working with control scrollbars
  • Added: Ability to select RscListBox entries with the right mouse button (enabled via config entry) FT-T151053
  • Tweaked: Expanded playSound/playSound3D/say3D script commands with a start offset parameter
  • Tweaked: playSound/say3D script commands now return a sound source object
  • Tweaked: 3DEN custom compositions now get placed into their own layer (like pre-configured compositions)
  • Fixed: Pop-up error when getNumber is used with a config array or class FT-T151967
  • Fixed: Mitigated visual shadow banding artifacts
  • Fixed: Invisible CT_TREE scrollbars would block item selection
  • Fixed: CT_XSLIDER was created with CT_SLIDER type

Development Branch Changelog - Page 57 - ARMA 3 - DEVELOPMENT BRANCH - Bohemia Interactive Forums

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