Arma 3 の新しい機能の追加や不具合の修正、設定の微調整を先行しておこなう開発版が、リビジョン 146375 へ更新。Arma 3 バージョン 1.98 向けホットフィックスの公開候補版と同じ内容となっています。
EXE rev. 146375 (game)
EXE rev. 146375 (Launcher)
There is an issue loading some UI colors from profiles. This results in black task titles for example. Try to avoid changing your UI colors in the game options in this version, otherwise you may have to reset them in the next update.
- Fixed: Texture paths in several Contact Field Manual Hints
- Fixed: The APERS Mine Dispenser and Training Mine could not be placed onto the ground anymore - FT-T150289 / FT-T150529
- Fixed: Virtual Arsenal entities did not display certain damaged body regions anymore - FT-T150350
- Fixed: Various new M2 static HMG backpacks would disassembly into the wrong variants - FT-T150335
- Fixed: arsenalRestrictedItems[] did not check for weapons
- Tweaked: "Old Man" saves could grow massively and should now do so less (we hope to also provide an experimental fix to those with broken saves in another branch)
- Fixed: The main task to destroy the lab might not be assigned to the player in "Old Man"
- Fixed: There was a missing smart marker and link to it in the task description (Steal Gendarme money in "Old Man")
- Fixed: The player might be killed by the fuel silo explosion in "Old Man"
- Added: Command diag_allMissionEventHandlers
- Fixed: Severe cases of multiplayer vehicle desync after the recent update (thanks for your testing of various fixes)
- Fixed: Texture not found when using setObjectTextureGlobal from a Dedicated Server - FT-T80668
- Fixed: Workshop scenario overviews sometimes used previously cached values
- Fixed: Zeus server CTD
- Fixed: False RPT spam about certain missing sounds
- Fixed: delete3DENEntities did not create a history entry - FT-T121797
- Fixed: allowDamage serialization for mines
- Fixed: CTD on ctrlCreate - FT-T136596
- Fixed: Glitched Speedboat physics when under water in high waves
Development Branch Changelog - Page 56 - ARMA 3 - DEVELOPMENT BRANCH - Bohemia Interactive Forums
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