Arma 3 の新しい機能の追加や不具合の修正、設定の微調整を先行しておこなう開発版が、リビジョン 146301 へ更新。新たにフレーム レート制限パラメータを新規に実装したり、新しいスクリプト コマンドを追加しています。
EXE rev. 146301 (game)
EXE rev. 146301 (Launcher)
Size: ~ 194 MBDATA
Old Manネタバレ
- Fixed: The default marker description was replaced
- Added: Missing smart marker overview pictures for some quests (Transport plane and Destroy police station)
- Tweaked: Spawning distance of the Lifou nightclub entities
- Fixed: The boat in quest Destroy fuel silos was locked
- Added: New -limitFPS= start parameter to adjust server FPS limit between 5-1000 FPS (default and previous limit 50)
- Added: New command getAssetDLCInfo
- Added: ctrlTextSelection, ctrlSetTextSelection for Edit box cursor / selection manipulation - FT-T147688 / FT-T76514
- Added: New command getRoadInfo - FT-T147630
- Added: New waypointLoiterAltitude, setWaypointLoiterAltitude commands
- Tweaked: Steam Workshop scenario description made more readable in-game - FT-T147399
- Tweaked: Magazines are now set to a default config capacity when -1 is passed as ammo count in various commands
- Tweaked: It is now possible to create empty magazines with addMagazineAmmoCargo - FT-T143153
- Fixed: Ability to equip vehicle weapons as a player (has been disabled)
- Fixed: 3DEN object names were nil on remote machines when the 'simple object' option is used
- Fixed: It was possible to add a weapon to a container with incompatible magazines via addWeaponWithAttachmentsCargo
- Fixed: Ability to move items in the player's inventory while aboard a vehicle - FT-T81676
- Fixed: Misaligned flashlight cone
- Fixed: Players could get kicked when a multiplayer scenario spawns custom models - FT-T147191
- Fixed: taskParent-related crash
- Fixed: tvSort and tvSortByValue error on absence of optional parameter: reversed
- Fixed: Broken alternative syntax for menuAction
- Fixed: airportSide/setAirportSide-related crash - FT-T149781
- Fixed: List _trigger returns nil when called immediately after trigger creation
- Fixed: Editor waypoint loiter altitude did not broadcast to clients - FT-T126772
- Fixed: createSimpleObject could fail when used directly with a model config entry
- Fixed: null objects were not removed from the attachedObjects result - FT-T147753
- Fixed: Exported singleplayer scenarios did not show overviewPicture or author - FT-T147399
Development Branch Changelog - Page 56 - ARMA 3 - DEVELOPMENT BRANCH - Bohemia Interactive Forums
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