Arma 3 に現代のロシア連邦軍とアメリカ軍、セルビア軍の武器や装備、戦車、航空機を追加する RHS: Escalation MOD のマップ パック、 PKL には砲撃陣地や連絡壕なども用意されていて、ゲーム内ではいくつか公開されました。
Some tiny spoilers while you wait. Did you like the old PKL fortifications? #RHSPKL has a bunch of different new ones, big, small and some hidden. There will be many more in future updates..
— bludclot bludski (@bludclouds) January 8, 2020
Another tiny #RHSPKL 0.5 spoiler. The good news: It is possible to hide from AI in the rice fields if they don't come too close. The bad news: You won't be able to see them either. Work in progress.
— bludclot bludski (@bludclouds) January 8, 2020
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