Arma 3 公式によるオープン ワールド シングルプレイヤー シナリオ Arma 3 Apex: Old Man が v14012020 beta に更新。不具合の修正などが行われています。
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シナリオは無料で、プレイ時間を 10 時間程度としていますが、プレイには 拡張パック Apex を所持している必要があります。
- Added: Savegame settings dialog at the start
- Added: Missing voice acting to some characters
- Fixed: Temporary voice acting replaced by final versions
- Fixed: Typos in localization string keys
- Fixed: The static M2 optic is now hidden upon destruction
- Fixed: FIA crews of the static M2
- Fixed: Missing assembly string on the static M2
- Tweaked: Compositions in some locations
- Tweaked: Increased the minimal hit value on static M2 and increased shield protection so it can deflect MXC rounds from >20 meters
- Tweaked: Static M2 gunner get in positions and fixed the floating animation on getting out
Potential spoilers:
- Fixed: The task to meet Arthur is canceled if the player kills him
- Fixed: Keystone's SDV could get stuck
- Fixed: The Transport Plane task could not be finished
- Fixed: Tasks Escape Tanoa and Destroy Silos communications
- Fixed: Tasks Destroy Radar and Destroy Silos could not be finished
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