Arma 3 のマップ全体を戦場にし、AI 指揮官を生み出したり、自動でミッション作成が可能な Advanced Light Infantry Virtual Enbironment MOD のバージョン へ更新。挙動の改良や、新たしいマップ MOD へ対応されています。
ALiVE - New Ambient Civ updates (Test) - YouTube
ALiVE は中隊規模のダイナミック シナリオを生成できるフレームワークで、指揮や戦闘支援、兵站を含む現実的な軍事作戦が出来るようにしています。いくつかのモジュールとマーカーを設置するだけで、高い柔軟性を持つ様々なシナリオを作れます。AI 指揮官は反乱軍のような戦術をも使いながら、ミッション全体の優先順位を持っていて、自律的に行動します。
- [ALL] Updated version to clusterbuild 1.96.146114 - Public Stable
- [SYS_ORBATCREATOR] Fix export for uniformless units
- [SYS_ORBATCREATOR] Remove WIP changes
- [MIL_CQB] Cleanup some PR weirdness
- -Fix issue where custom units that inherited from other custom units would fail if the parent unit was deleted
- -Fix issue where editing a custom faction that relied on other mods and existed in config would output bad CfgPatches
- -Fix issue where factions containing units from many sides would not display properly in the unit creation screen
- -Allow editing of crew for static weapons
- -Performance improvements for the edit vehicle screen
- Fix issue where some units were exported without using the generated importer class
- -many more
- [SYS_ADMINACTIONS] Always have a proper return in waitUntil (#658)
- [SUP_COMBATSUPPORT] Remove extra crew spawns (support) (#657) or, replace BIS_fnc_spawnCrew with createVehicleCrew
- [X_LIB] Dont spawn ai when the mod maker requests so (#655)
- [ORBAT_CREATOR] Use config name for group category display name
- [x_lib] Revert optimize getDominantFunction. This reverts commit fcaaca7.
- [MIL_CQB] Optimize and improve group spawning
- [X_LIB] optimize getDominantFunction
- [MIL_CQB] massive improvements to spawning behavior and performance
- [SYS_PROFILE] Obsessive optimization of profile spawner
- [X_LIB] Reduce network impact of ALiVE_fnc_xxxRemote functions
- [X_LIB] Optimize spacial grid. ~50% increase in speed for findInRange
- [MIL_CQB] keeping tradition. Recognise dynamic loadout vehicles as armed count getPylonMagazines _veh would also work, sticking with accessing the config for consistency
- [X_LIB] Blacklist buildings from CQB spawns
- [INDEX] Couple of map indexes by @diveyez (#648)
- -Country Letrim, Northern Ireland
- -Suursaari
- -MOUT Town
- [SYS_PROFILE] Fix simulated attacks not playing when game was sped up
- [ALL] Appease Wang
- [MIL_OPCOM] Fix enemy scanning returning wrong results
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