Arma 3 の新しい機能の追加や不具合の修正、設定の微調整を先行しておこなう開発版が、リビジョン 146056 へ更新。6 周年記念リミックスの「This is War」をゲームに実装したり、新しいスクリプト コマンドを追加しています。
Arma 3 - Musical Birthday Card: "This Is War - 6th Anniversary Remix" - YouTube
EXE rev. 146056 (game)
EXE rev. 146056 (Launcher)
Size: ~ 1.1 GBDATA
- Added: This is War 6th Anniversary Remix music track into the game and Digital Deluxe Edition
- Tweaked: Chemical Detector digit display precision
- Fixed: Missing Contact music track durations added and incorrect durations were tweaked
- Fixed: Error when the 'to' param was in format [x, y] in BIS_fnc_drawArrow
- Fixed: Few errors after moving the Spectrum Device to the platform data
- Added: Script commands triggerInterval and setTriggerInterval to make it possible to alter the trigger condition check frequency of detectors
- Fixed: Some task commands returned nil when their argument was null
Development Branch Changelog - Page 56 - ARMA 3 - DEVELOPMENT BRANCH - Bohemia Interactive Forums
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