Arma 3 内のボイスチャットで、距離が離れると通じにくくなるなど無線風のエフェクトを再現する Addon-Free ArmA Radio スクリプトのバージョン 0.93 が公開。 Zeus に対応されたり、最適化が行われました。
Addon-Free Arma Radio | ArmA 3 - YouTube
- Added: Zeus Compatibility
- Added: 'r_sCHName' global variable to 'CFG.sqf'
- Added: 'r_sCHShort' global variable to 'CFG.sqf'
- Updated: AFAR Instructions Manual in map briefing
- Updated: readMe.txt
- Changed: Air channel checks for radio backpack, instead of variable/ItemRadio
- Changed: r_RTO variable simply adds RTO backpack to player unit on connect
- Tweaked: Scripts check for "ItemRadio" or RTO backback equipped
- Tweaked: ArmA Radio briefing is visible in map briefing prior to mission start
- Tweaked: ArmA Radio briefing also uses custom name for "Air Channel" if set
- Tweaked: Air channel's name can be changed via 'r_sCHName' in 'CFG.sqf'
- Tweaked: Air channel's text by player name can be changed via 'r_sCHName' in 'CFG.sqf'
- Fixed: Code only executed for channel you had selected, ignoring keybinds
- Fixed: Missing ; and } in 'anim.sqf' (Radio Animation)
- Fixed: Command channel sender didn't hear his radio squelch in
- Fixed: Undefined variable 'ch9' script error, if Spectator template not used
- Fixed: Script error in AFAR "Put" and "Take" eventHandlers
- Fixed: Serialization script error on script init
- Fixed: Channels stay off until respawn if you talk underwater without rebreather
- Fixed: Typo in ArmA Radio briefing
- Optimized: Replaced execVM with 'compileFinal(preprocessFile"")'
- Optimized: Replaced '_dik' with _this in 'noCHS.sqf'
- Optimized: 'noCHS.sqf'
- Optimized: VON blocker code is called only when pressing the VON keybind
- Optimized: Removed redundant code from VON blocker code
- Optimized: Removed a redundant alive check in 'g_out.sqf'
- Optimized: Removed some redundant publicVariables
- Optimized: Removed redundant player==player check in script init
- Removed: "RTO" unitTrait variable
- Removed: Removed global/publicVariables "ch#Name"
- Removed: Unused placeholder code for terrain interference
- Removed: 'noVON.sqf'
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