Arma 3 の新しい機能の追加や不具合の修正、設定の微調整を先行しておこなう開発版が、リビジョン 145895 へ更新。科学者と略奪者のユニフォームが、無料で使えるプラットフォームへ移行させたり、装備の修正、新しいスクリプト コマンドを実装しました。
EXE rev. 145895 (game)
EXE rev. 145895 (Launcher)
Size: ~2 GBDATA
- Added: Hidden selections to garbage barrels and the garbage pile
- Added: New function BIS_fnc_hasItem to find out if a queried item is in the given inventory or container
- Changed: Moved new Scientist and Looters uniforms to be part of the (free) platform
- Fixed: Missing Looters textures
- Fixed: Combat Patrol Russian SF Team Leader loadout
- Fixed: Offroad dashboard artifacts when HBAO is turned on
- Fixed: LDF tracer colors on some vehicles
- Fixed: Granit and Farmer outfit TI textures
- Fixed: Few missing Polish Radio Protocol words
- Fixed: Miscellaneous Livonia object placement issues
- Fixed: 2D map icons of the new HEMTT variants
- Added: enableAI / disableAI "RADIOPROTOCOL"
- Added: toUpperAnsi, toLowerAnsi, toArrayAnsi, toStringAnsi
- Added: diag_deltaTime
- Tweaked: Improved performance of toString
- Tweaked: Improved performance when attaching Simple Objects to other objects
- Fixed: Potential memory corruption when creating an empty string
- Fixed: The set command would allow creation of arrays with an over-the-limit size
- Fixed: append would not check for infinite recursion when adding an array to another array
- Fixed: CTD when calling ropeCreate (FT - T139425)
- Fixed: CTD when using callExtension callback
- Fixed: Potential CTD when calling entities
- Fixed: Potential CTD when processing AI
- Fixed: Command-line parameters were not working well when using the 'without mods' button
Development Branch Changelog - Page 55 - ARMA 3 - DEVELOPMENT BRANCH - Bohemia Interactive Forums
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