Arma 3 内のボイスチャットで、距離が離れると通じにくくなるなど無線風のエフェクトを再現する Addon-Free ArmA Radio スクリプトのバージョン 0.92 が公開。スケルチ音の音量を大きくしたり、スクリプトを修正しています。
Addon-Free Arma Radio | ArmA 3 - YouTube
- Added: "PlayerViewChanged" missionEventHandler for unit switch compatibility
- Tweaked: Increased squelch volume from +7 db to +10 db
- Tweaked: Radio squelch-out sound is played, if radio static present
- Tweaked: 'r_CH' is defined in the AFAR init, instead of 'CFG.sqf'
- Fixed: 'c_out.sqf' was adding radio noise, instead of squelching out
- Fixed: 'c_out.sqf' was referring to _x in remoteExec'd code, instead of 'r_p'
- Fixed: 'c_out.sqf' had an undefined '_p' variable in an "else" scope
- Fixed: Persistent radio static if forced into Direct channel while transmitting
- Fixed: Persistent radio static if killed while transmitting
- Fixed: Corrected a code syntax in 'g_in.sqf'
- Fixed: Spectator & Air channel didn't properly reset upon death/respawn (Again)
- Fixed: Pop-up radio is hidden when player releases talk key in Direct channel
- Fixed: Undefined variable 'ch9' script error, if Spectator respawn template not used
- Optimized: Shortened script name of 'useRadio.sqf' to 'ui.sqf'
- Optimized: Removed displayEventHandler's global variable 'r_myRadio'
- Optimized: Removed displayEventHandler's global variable 'blockVON'
- Removed: Some comments from 'AFAR\f\init.sqf'
[Release] Addon-Free ArmA Radio - ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING - Bohemia Interactive Forums
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