Arma 3 開発版のリビジョン 145798 で CBRN スーツや新勢力、装備を微調整

地球上で外宇宙生命体と遭遇をテーマにした Arma 3 の新たな拡張パック「Contact」

Arma 3 の新しい機能の追加や不具合の修正、設定の微調整を先行しておこなう開発版が、リビジョン 145798 へ更新。先日追加された、装備類といったアセットに微調整を施しています。

Arma 3 Contact - Sandbox Trailer - YouTube


EXE rev. 145798 (game)
EXE rev. 145798 (launcher)
Size: ~2.1 GB


  • Added: ObjectDestructionLight and ObjectDestructionLightSmall lights are now flickering
  • Tweaked RPK-12 hand animation so it looks more natural when characters don't wear gloves
  • Tweaked: Advanced Modular Helmet stats
  • Tweaked: Blindfold and Head Bandage TI textures
  • Tweaked: Reduced mass for the sawed-off Kozlice variant and adjusted several parameters to properly show stats in Virtual Arsenal
  • Tweaked: Improved shotgun pellet characteristics so they bleed off speed in a more realistic fashion
  • Tweaked: Promet SG muzzle flash
  • Tweaked: BIS_fnc_getCloudletParams now returns also values for setParticleCircle
  • Tweaked: Improved the bullet tracing function in Virtual Arsenal with partial support for submunition (i.e. shotgun pellets). The tracing script is now also attached to the currently controlled vehicle so it's possible to track e.g. a cannon shell path.
  • Tweaked: Farmer Outfit / Looter T-shirt textures
  • Tweaked: LDF Mk200 tracer color
  • Fixed: Small typo in one Russian SF group class name (O_R_InfTeam)
  • Fixed: Modular Carrier and Kipchak vests are now properly worn under full ghillie suits
  • Fixed: Hidden one of the rogue Kitbag AI fillers from Virtual Arsenal
  • Fixed: Resting memory points on Promet and Kozlice
  • Fixed: Respirator soft shadows
  • Fixed: Personality was not correctly applied to Bandit Clothes (Polo) (FT - T141055)
  • Fixed: Non-painted AK-12s had the wrong magazine loaded when placed in the Editor (FT- T140907)
  • Fixed: Smoke launcher is now using SoundSet technology (fixing the missing tails sample)
  • Fixed: Unknown uniforms for 2 Looters
  • Fixed: CBRN Specialists not showing the correct APR filter / hose setup on scenario start


  • Changed: AI units are now added to the Garbage Collector if they get lost somewhere
  • Changed: Subordinates limit for the 32 player Altis Warlords scenario


  • Added: Contact to the DLC section
  • Added: PLAY CONTACT button in case it is owned and installed
  • Added: Support for Contact (Platform) and Contact in the Server Browser
  • Known Issue: Starting the game via the PLAY CONTACT button or the DLC section's Contact toggle does not yet load Contact mode (the data is not yet published)
  • Known Issue: Some retail Steam accounts may currently still see Arma 3 Contact as 'not installed'

Development Branch Changelog - Page 55 - ARMA 3 - DEVELOPMENT BRANCH - Bohemia Interactive Forums

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