Arma 3 開発版のリビジョン 145689 で新マップの「リヴォニア」を実装


Arma 3 の新しい機能の追加や不具合の修正、設定の微調整を先行しておこなう開発版が、リビジョン 145689 へ更新。 外伝拡張パック Contact で発表された新マップ リヴォニア やオブジェクトを実装しました。これは予約購入者限定でプレイ可能なコンテンツとなっています。


EXE rev. 145689 (game)
No new Launcher
Size: ~6.3 GB


  • We've opened a series of Arma 3 Contact feedback threads for various sub-topics:
  • As has often been the case, Steam DLC ownership may not fully work during the first hours / days of DLC Dev-Branch staging and pre-orders. Issues will be resolved with Steam's Valve as soon as possible.


  • Added: Livonia*
  • Added: Livonia terrain objects (natural, props, signs, lamps, power lines, railways, decals, structures, etc.)
  • Added: Military Cargo Platforms
  • Added: Banner (LDF)
  • Added: Flag (LDF)
  • Added: Flag (Livonia)
  • Added: Livonia Whiteboards
  • Added: Maps of Livonia
  • Added: Connector Tents
  • Added: Decon Tents
  • Added: Faction Field Tent variants
  • Added: Faction Medical Tent variants
  • Added: Woodland Camouflage Net variants
  • Added: Research Dome variants
  • Added: Research Dome Panels
  • Added: Research Dome Struts
  • Added: Solar-Powered Tents
  • Added: Scaffolding variant
  • Added: Antidote Kit
  • Added: Brooms
  • Added: Brushes
  • Added: Coiled Hose Sprays
  • Added: Decon Kit
  • Added: Decon Showers
  • Added: Drainage Deck
  • Added: Hazmat Bags
  • Added: Lay-Flat Hoses
  • Added: Pressure Hoses
  • Added: SCBA Cylinders
  • Added: Spill Bunds
  • Added: Spinal Boards
  • Added: Sponges
  • Added: Stretcher Roller System
  • Added: Tarps
  • Added: Trash Bag Holder
  • Added: Walking Frame
  • Added: Water Spills
  • Added: Flexible Solar Panels
  • Added: Satellite Antenna variants
  • Added: Omnidirectional Antennas
  • Added: Portable Weather Stations
  • Added: Power Cables
  • Added: Rechargeable Batteries
  • Added: Rechargeable Battery Packs
  • Added: Rugged Computers
  • Added: Rugged Screen variants
  • Added: Rugged IP Telephones
  • Added: Rugged Laptops
  • Added: Rugged Multi-Screen Computers
  • Added: Rugged Portable Generator variants
  • Added: Rugged Portable Server Units
  • Added: Rugged Routers
  • Added: Rugged Solar Panels
  • Added: Rugged Tablet variants
  • Added: Rugged Portable Cabinets
  • Added: Rugged Portable Desks
  • Added: Rugged Desk Chairs (known issue: missing display names)
  • Added: Rugged Portable Lamps
  • Added: Transfer Switch
  • Added: Light Cone VFX
  • Added: Tent Lamps
  • Added: Newspaper
  • Added: Books
  • Added: EMP-Proof Cargo Containers
  • Added: CBRN Packaging
  • Added: Plastic Case variants
  • Added: Tin Foil
  • Added: textureSources config property "decals" (an array of texture indices for decals)
  • Added: "camo3" selection to Guerrilla Garment which can hide a bandage from it
  • Added: Ability to hide Field Manual entries by listing them in a mission variable (example: BIS_fnc_advHint_FMHide = ["GlobalTopic_Curator", "EdenUpdate_EdenEditor"];)
  • Added: magazineWells to Underbarrel Grenade Launchers
  • Added: BIS_fnc_spawnOrdered which spawns a given function in the order it was called
  • Tweaked: Vehicle distance filter configuration
  • Fixed: UCAV Sentinel shadows at lower LODs
  • Fixed: Field Manual records for unowned Jets Premium Assets did not display correctly
  • Fixed: An incorrect textureSources texture for B_Truck_01_box_F
  • Fixed: ARCO (Black) had a wrong picture (
  • Fixed: Components and liveries were not auto-selected for some vehicles in Garage and for all vehicles on load and import
  • Fixed: Missing red texture for karts
  • Fixed: One of the PO-30 Orca windows was still visible when the doors were hidden
  • Fixed: Saved custom loadouts are now correctly compared against available Arsenal gear, and incompatible loadouts are disabled
  • Fixed: Arsenal Import and Export buttons are now correctly available when applicable in MP
  • Fixed: Importing an Arsenal loadout was not removing old assigned items
  • Fixed: Arsenal was not adding a battery to Laser Designators
  • Fixed: Exporting and then importing the same loadout in Arsenal was removing one magazine
  • Fixed: Weapon magazines were not saved with exported Arsenal loadouts correctly
  • Fixed: Laser Designator batteries were not saved with exported Arsenal loadouts
  • Fixed: Weapons with grenade launchers were missing secondary muzzle magazines in Arsenal
  • Fixed: Weapons were not getting magazines if a unit had no containers in Arsenal
  • Fixed: Various script errors in Arsenal
  • Fixed: The Offroad driver's ability to switch to other seats

Eden エディタ

  • Fixed: Some waypoint types were not exported correctly by Eden Editor's export to SQF

* Content requires ownership of Arma 3 Contact expansion.


  • Added: getAudioOptionVolumes and getSubtitleOptions script commands
  • Added: Setting lobbyIdleTimeout to 0 in the server config turns off kicking players from the lobby if they are inactive
  • Added: Setting kickTimeout timer values to 0 in the server config turns the feature off
  • Tweaked: Default values for timeout were changed to: votingTimeOut=10 mins, roleTimeOut=15 mins, briefingTimeOut=10 mins, debriefingTimeOut=10 mins, lobbyIdleTimeout=25 mins
  • Fixed: When kicking a player via the server's onHackedData / onUnsignedData event handlers, kickTimeout type 0 was always used
  • Fixed: When kicking a player via the server's onHackedData / onUnsignedData event handlers, only very basic logging was provided

Development Branch Changelog - Page 55 - ARMA 3 - DEVELOPMENT BRANCH - Bohemia Interactive Forums

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