Arma 3 の新しい機能の追加や不具合の修正、設定の微調整を先行しておこなう開発版が、リビジョン 145537 へ更新。武器に装填している弾倉独自のモデルが表示される、Magazine Well の対応武器が増加したり、新しいファンクションやスクリプト コマンドなど次の DLC に向けてと思われる機能が実装されています。
EXE rev. 145537 (game)
EXE rev. 145537 (game)
Size: ~1.5 GB
- Added: Magazine proxies to the following weapons: AKM, AK-12, AKS, MX, CAR-95, TRG-21, Mk20, Mk14, RPG-7, SPAR-16 (and expanded magazine wells with additional weapons)*
- Added: Van (Ambulance) is now using a custom sound controller for its siren
- Added: getMarkerPos [markerName, preserveElevation] for working with the Z coordinate
- Added: BIS_fnc_markerToString, BIS_fnc_stringToMarker, BIS_fnc_stringToMarkerLocal serialization functions
- Added: "EmptyLoadout" config class for the creation of empty unit loadouts
- Added: Scripted Event Handler OnGameInterrupt
- Fixed: Pacific NATO and CSAT UGV groups should now have Tropical versions of UGVs
- Fixed: Respawn Backpacks / camps now work correctly in MP; can also be placed by Zeus
- Fixed: Texts for the Clear All Mines waypoint were not localized
* This change allows different types (f.e. color) magazines to be loaded into the same weapon dynamically, but the NATO (Pacific) and Syndikat loadouts (characters, containers, and vehicle cargos) have changed!
WarlordsEden エディタ
- Added: Unless their base is under attack, all playable units are now invulnerable after respawn until they leave the base (60 seconds maximum)
- Added: Long-range AA defense assets (SAM sites / radars)
- Added: Autonomous defenses are now limited to 3 per player
- Added: Parameter for maximum Command Points
- Added: Custom offset parameter for the Defenses
- Added: Friendly Fire protection for requested assets (first 3 minutes after being requested)
- Added: Team balance parameter
- Changed: Most requested assets are now locked by default and can be unlocked either directly via the Action menu or through the Strategy tab in the Request menu
- Changed: Increased the cost of repair and ammo trucks as well as the Rhino
- Changed: The Subordinates limit was increased to 3 for the 64-player Altis scenario
- Tweaked: The cost of planes was increased
- Fixed: Various script errors
- Added: Loading a scenario in Eden Editor will now call the "init3DEN.sqf" script in the scenario folder (when present). This can be useful for executing scenario-specific editor functionality.
- Fixed: Eden Editor export to SQF was not saving vehicle appearances correctly
- Fixed: Non-local tank suspension looked wrong in multiplayer
- Fixed: Extreme volumes are no longer possible with playSound3D
- Fixed: Players were not considered in the list of a trigger when they entered a vehicle of another group
KNOWN ISSUE: Some buttons may not have the correct tool-tips
- Added: DLC support in Launcher (preparing for official third-party DLC)
- Added: Offical Servers tab in the SERVERS category
Development Branch Changelog - Page 55 - ARMA 3 - DEVELOPMENT BRANCH - Bohemia Interactive Forums
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