真実や見覚えある物など海外の人を賑わせた今週の Arma 3 シーン 03/03 ~ 03/09


真実や見覚えある物など海外の人を賑わせた今週の Arma 3 シーン 03/03 ~ 03/09 です。

The truth must be told from r/arma


ARMA で作り直されれば



Something looks familiar here from r/arma


Hunter と、Strider、戦車、飛行機、武器、マップも

Saw a meme earlier that i quite disagreed with, decided to let out my inner arma 3 fanboyism(and slight jab at the arma 3 community) and make it just all the better. from r/arma

ネタを見てそうは思わなかったから俺の中の arma 3 愛 (とコミュニティへちょっとした皮肉) を吐き出してみた。

愚痴が許されないゲーム スターターパック

嘘だ。arma プレイヤー全員が 10 分プレイする毎にエンジンがクソって言ってる

British paratroopers getting ready to ambush German column. from r/arma
A review of a Wasteland player's Altis from r/arma

Wasteland プレイヤーから見た Altis

Wasteland だけじゃない、どんなミッションから見ても良く出来た Altis の説明だ

Draw me like one of your French tanks from r/arma


ctrl を 2 回押して銃を下げろ

Broke 5000 hours last night... from r/arma

昨日の夜に 5,000 時間超えた


Piper of the 51st Highland Division playing as the sun goes down near El Alamein. [Upcoming Desert Rats update by IFA3] from r/arma
Piper of the 51st Highland Division playing as the sun goes down near El Alamein. [Upcoming Desert Rats update by IFA3] from r/arma
Straight outta Altis from r/arma
When did I get to Namalsk? from r/arma

俺はいつ Namalsk に来たんだ?


I like to challenge myself to recreate scenes and movies that no one else has done in ArmA 3's editor. Here is a screenshot inspired by John Carpenter's "The Thing"! from r/arma

ジョン カーペンターの "The Thing" 風なスクリーンショット撮ってみた

British troops disembarking from LCA during D-Day. [Upcoming Desert Rats update by IFA3] from r/arma
Are you sure about that? from r/arma



Peaceful sight of El Alamein. [Upcoming Desert Rats update by IFA3] from r/arma
Been playing around with static animations and screenshots. Think this turned out pretty well for my 1st go. from r/arma
[ARMA3] I started building the "Factory" map from ESCAPE FROM TARKOV from r/arma

Escape From Tarkov にあるマップの "Factory" 作り始めた

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