AI 砲撃部隊をタブレットから命令できる Arma 3 用の Drongo's Artillery MOD

AI 砲撃部隊をタブレットから命令できる Arma 3 用の Drongo's Artillery MOD

AI 砲撃部隊をプレイヤーが命令して、弾種などを指定できる Drongo's Artillery MOD が公開されました。HOME キーから呼び出せる専用のタブレットから目標座標や発射方法、弾道を指定できます。

Drongo's Artillery Release Trailer - YouTube

MOD ではタブレットで弾種や着弾地点の調整も可能となっています。なお機能を使うには、マップに砲撃部隊を配置するだけになっています。それに ACRE 2 MODTask Force Radio MOD に対応しています。


  • YonV: Heaps of testing and very helpful input
  • CoC: Unified Artillery for OFP, the system this is based upon
  • Drongo: Development and scripting
  • Chops: Testing, design help
  • James: Testing, design help
  • Zodd: Testing
  • D.Smithy: Real-world artillery knowledge, testing
  • Rydygier: Box sheaf script
  • Kawa: Localization code, French localization
  • Thanks for MaHuJa and BlackAlpha of for writing code to prevent the "rounds drifting to the north" bug


You must receive my permission to use any of the scripts, configs, concepts or designs of this addon in the development of other projects.
You may not distribute altered versions of this addon.
You may not use this addon or any derivatives thereof in any way for monetary gain.
You may not use this addon or any derivatives thereof as part of any submission to any contest of any kind.
You may not port this addon to any other game (it may ONLY be used with Arma 3).
You may not use this addon with VBS, VBS2, VBS3 or any similar product.
You may not re-upload to Steam.
You may not use this addon in any way if you are R0adki11.
You may not use this addon in any way if you are BohemiaBeck.

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