Arma 3 開発版のリビジョン 145402 で新しいスクリプト コマンド


Arma 3 の新しい機能の追加や不具合の修正、設定の微調整を先行しておこなう開発版が、リビジョン 145402 へ更新。新しいスクリプト コマンドをいくつか追加しています。


EXE rev. 145402 (game)
EXE rev. 145402 (launcher)
Size: ~233.5 MB
  • Tweaked: BIS_fnc_switchLamp is now using recently 'fixed' switchLight command instead of breaking / fixing the lamp's light bulb
  • Tweaked: Durability of vehicle wheels - the damage required for a flat tire and a fully destroyed wheel
  • Tweaked: Added a wheel_x_x_damage selection in visual LODs for visual damage representation
  • Tweaked: Key Frame Timelines are no longer calculated on each frame when their animation is not running
  • Fixed: IDAP's AR-2 drone was missing translations for its livery in Virtual Garage
  • Fixed: It was not possible to access the compass in vehicles (WIP)
  • Fixed: A typo in the UH-80 Ghosthawk gun initElev elevation parameter (kudos Kju!)
  • Fixed: Added BIS_fnc_setIdentity safeguard from applying empty values (
  • Fixed: Identity not persisting in BIS_fnc_arsenal
  • Fixed: Camera bug in BIS_fnc_arsenal
  • Tweaked: Dead unit deleting procedures
  • Fixed: Some independent garrison units would occasionally still carry mortar bags
  • Added: A new scripting command (setBehaviourStrong) for forcing a behaviour to the Group itself
  • Added: New scripting commands for simple graphs: getGraphValues, decayGraphValues, ctrlSetPositionX, ctrlSetPositionY, ctrlSetPositionW, ctrlSetPositionH, bezierInterpolation
  • Added: New scripting commands for working with matrices and vectors interpolation: vectorLinearConversion, matrixTranspose, matrixMultiply
  • Added: A getter (customWaypointPosition) for the player's custom waypoint (LShift + LMB)
  • Added: Support for forcing the initial direction of 3D particles
  • Added: A disableAI / enableAI "NVG" option for the AI to not use worn NVGs
  • Added: A disableAI / enableAI "LIGHTS" option for disabling AI from controlling lights
  • Added: Support for a new simple expression in weapon sound configuration (camPos)
  • Added: Muzzle event handlers for reloading weapons (reload - start, reloaded - finished)
  • Added: A mission event handler for the change of the time acceleration (HandleAccTime - returning true also suppresses the IGUI message)
  • Added: Scripted control over (legitimate) missile targets of guided missiles or target positions of manually guided missiles (setMissileTargetPos, missileTargetPos, setMissileTarget, missileTarget)
  • Added: A script command to trigger a munition (triggerAmmo)
  • Added: Support for the green TI mode in render-to-target and the setPiPEffect scripting command
  • Changed: SwitchLight now supports terrain objects, entities, and terrain lamps (automatic when "on")
  • Changed: Increased the limit of array length for scripting DLL extensions to 2048
  • Changed: The getSuppression command now returns -1 if an object is invalid, non-local, or there is no suppression enabled
  • Changed: boundingBox and boundingBoxReal now can be passed a number (0-ClipVisual, 1-ClipShadow, 2-ClipGeometry, 3-ClipGeneral) and return the bounding sphere value
  • Fixed: A possible crash when reading the headGforceLeaningFactor parameter
  • Fixed: Magazine proxies texture camo flickering
  • Fixed: Constant black in / out when a player's UGV was critically damaged
  • Fixed: Allow Lights in the UAV Terminal did not work
  • Fixed: Compiled script caching responsible for memory issues (
Eden Editor:
  • Tweaked: Eden Editor model selection detection over character weapons has been improved
  • Fixed: Module areas were not hiding along with the rest of the models in Eden Editor
  • Fixed: Localization typos
  • Fixed: -malloc parameter tooltip (

Development Branch Changelog - Page 54 - ARMA 3 - DEVELOPMENT BRANCH - Bohemia Interactive Forums

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