attachTo や 3 が発表されたあの時など海外の人を賑わせた今週の Arma 3 シーン 11/11~11/17


attachTo や 3 が発表されたあの時など海外の人を賑わせた今週の Arma 3 シーン 11/11~11/17 です。

You gotta look out for #1... from r/arma


長い一日を終えてまだ家事をしなきゃいけないけど、ちょっと Arma をプレイしたい時…

attachTo from r/arma


attachTo はオブジェクトを別のオブジェクトにくっつけるスクリプト コマンドの事。

Back in the Arma 3 Announcement days... from r/arma

Arma 3 が発表されたあの時…

The superior german army.. from r/arma


It's Arma! Oh wait... from r/arma
Reflections from r/arma
When that Tigris is looking a little too interested in your transport hummingbird from r/arma

Tigris が Hummingbird を見てる感じ

Chernarussian History, 1900-2009 from r/arma

チェルナルス人の歴史、1900 - 2009。

I've created a new scenario based on the old school SOCOM games on the PS2 and am looking for feedback. from r/arma

PS2 にあった SOOM を元ネタにしてシナリオ作ってみた

Do you guys remember how in "Operation Flashpoint" the engine couldnt portray destruction - So destroyed vehicles and buildings instead morphed into weird Picasso-shapes? from r/arma

"Operation Flashpoint" のゲーム エンジンでは破壊が表現できず、車両や建物はピカソの絵のようになっていたの覚えてる?

Extraction from r/OperationTrebuchet
My screenshot collection from r/arma


Small Unit Tactics from r/arma


Today I learned the correct order for launching carrier jets from r/arma


Sunny Day In Chernarus from r/arma

ある晴れた日の Chernarus

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