Arma 3 の世界観はそのままに、新しいさまざま武器や車両、装備、勢力と VTOL 戦闘機、輸送機など新しいコンテンツを追加する Arma 3 Aegis MOD のバージョン 9-11-2018 が公開。見た目の改良やいくつかの不具合が修正されています。
MOD では新しい勢力や十数種類の武器、アタッチメント、いくつかの航空機、新しい装備を追加します。
- Tweaked: The coyote variant of the Special Modular Helmet's textures were improved
- Tweaked: Textures for Viper's hex gear were improved
- Tweaked: The Special Modular Helmet's materials were improved
- Fixed: Missing sounds for all tanks' cannons
- Fixed: Gas Mask [Russia]'s materials didn't load correctly
- Fixed: The M8 and SCAR had incorrect textures for the UGL optics
- Fixed: The C-192 Samson's wreck proxy failed to load
- Fixed: The F-38 Widowmaker's throttle animations failed to animate
- Fixed: The F-38 Widowmaker launched off of the carrier due to a PhysX issue
- Fixed: Materials of the GAU-12 25 mm gunpod
Arma 3 Aegis (Beta) - Page 28 - ARMA 3 - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE - Bohemia Interactive Forums
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