最悪な着陸地点や今日学んだ事など海外の人を賑わせた今週の Arma 3 シーン 08/05~08/11


最悪な着陸地点や今日学んだ事など海外の人を賑わせた今週の Arma 3 シーン 08/05~08/11 です。

abort! bad LZ, bad LZ! from r/arma

中止!最悪な LZ!

TIL: I average 1,000 hours per year playing Arma 3. from r/arma

Today I Lerand、今日学んだ事。俺は平均して一年に 1,000 時間プレイしている

Why are we still here, Just to suffer ? from r/arma

SovietWomble の Random Arma Bullshittery (Part 9) ネタ。

TIL: shooting these bells will make them ding from r/arma


I made A 2035 MAP script from r/arma

2035 年のマップ スクリプトを作った

You see Ivan, if crouch like so, you never fear of die because vital organs be under mother earth from r/arma


Which one of you is this? from r/arma


No man left behind from r/arma


From the same creator who brought you the remake of Black Hawk Down missions, Arma 3 S.W.A.T. 4 mission is fully developed and released in the workshop! Enjoy the release trailer. from r/arma
Old school cool from r/arma
Tank Selfie - Red Storm Rising from r/arma


Ripping time and space from r/arma
Skilled pilot from r/BeAmazed

平均的な KOTH プレイヤー

a summary of my groups last op from r/arma


*正教会の神父を叩く* この悪いやつはめっちゃ武器を隠し持ってる

Any mods that add armoured technicals like this? from r/arma

これ追加する MOD ない?

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