リテクスチャや敵の部隊など海外の人を賑わせた今週の Arma 3 シーン 07/29~08/04 です。
When you make a retexture for your Unit and the LMG Gunner wants a unique uniform to fit his playstyle. from r/arma
遊んでるコミュのためにリテクスチャする時、そこの LMG ガナーが俺に合ったシャツが欲しいって言ったから
Fuck this town in particular! (Venator cruise missiles) from r/arma
enemy "qrf" from r/arma
敵の "即応部隊"
It was a Miss-Fire from r/arma
ジェフリー: 本当にたまにね。
This thing is hillarious from r/arma
lies from r/arma
zeus が村には小火器しかないって言ったけど BMP に撃たれ始めた時
The ballistic impacts mod is pretty cool from r/arma
この MOD かなりいい
Cheap plastic chair vs 30 ton armored tank destroyer from r/arma
安物プラスチック椅子 vs 30 トンの戦車駆逐車
The squad after using full arsenal. from r/arma
Arsenal 全部入りを使った後の分隊
Rakkasans In Contact, 2002 (ALiVE Campaign WIP) from r/arma
What do I caption this with? from r/arma
[WW2] Flak Tower from r/arma
Flak タワー
Got deployed from a Blackfish, hit the ground so hard the Marshall sunk from r/arma
Blackfish から投下したら埋まった
Whoops from r/arma
Anyone recognise this🤔😂 from r/arma
Combat Medic Action from r/arma
SPOTREP #0081 | Game Update 1.84 (Encore Update, Free Jets DLC Bonus Content, Fixes and Improvements) from r/arma
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