ゲームの物理はこんな感じなど海外の人を賑わせた今週の Arma 3 シーン 02/04~02/10 です。
Arma physics from r/arma
Arma 3 の物理はこんな感じ。
We all know this was bound to happen from r/arma
I mean, he has a point. (From r/PUBATTLEGROUNDS) from r/arma
"PTSD にかからないならそれはリアリズムではない" - ARMA コミュニティ
If Arma 3 ever add environmental factors.. from r/arma
もし Arma 3 に環境要素が加われば…
Arma Hunter World from r/arma
Arma ハンター ワールド
BOI from r/arma
82nd Airborne in Sicily from r/arma
I was told my guides were too long so I made a shorter one from r/arma
Another missile mode coming in the Tanks DLC: Boomerang Attack from r/arma
Tanks DLC の別のミサイル モード、ブーメラン アタック。
Planet Malden from r/arma
Been playing around with the leaflet drops and it is a really cool way to start a mission from r/arma
Thousand yard stare after a tough VIP protection mission. from r/arma
RHS Muzzle Flash VS. Vanilla Muzzle Flash from r/arma
標準と RHS: Escalation MOD の発射炎。
Credits machine broke from r/arma
Mecha Attack! from r/arma
A note on how ArmA 4 should carry itself, with OFP as an example. from r/arma
OFP を例にした Arma 4 に望むこと。
East Wind Files - Altis from r/arma
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