Arma 3 に衝突で荒廃したマップ追加の Chernarus Redux MOD が v0.42 で修正

Arma2のChernarusを改良したArma3 マップMOD

衝突とウイルスの発生で荒廃した Arma 2 のマップを Arma 3 へ追加する Chernarus Redux MOD のバージョン 0.42 が公開。環境音や浮いている監視塔など、多数の不具合が修正されています。

ARMA 3: Chernarus Redux - Official Release Trailer (LINKS IN DESC) - YouTube

マップには新たに 15 の入れる構造物、13 の内装がある家屋、Chernogorsk と Elektrozavodsk の間へトンネル、さまざまな場所に軍の検問所を追加したり、森林にある木をランダムで設置、マップの詳細度を向上、地面や水面の手直し、新しい効果音を実装。Arma 3 の品質基準になるよう改良がおこなわれています。

  • Added Military Checkpoint Phase 1
  • Fixed Environment sounds
  • Fixed tree growing out of planter in Chernogorsk boardwalk
  • Fixed tree object placed too low on Chernogorsk boardwalk
  • Fixed random powerline in the middle of road north of Elektro
  • Fixed several of houses which were too high off the ground to enter
  • Fixed couple of floating hay bails
  • Fixed couple of sheds which were too high off ground and looked weird
  • Fixed restroom clipping in barn east of Chernogorsk
  • Fixed couple of garbage cans clipping in to building next to them
  • Fixed fence on top of road east of Chernogorsk
  • Fixed fence clipping in ground
  • Fixed floating gate at Shakhovka
  • Fixed bushes, clutter floating south west of Staroye
  • Fixed weird clipping objects west of Prigorodki
  • Fixed ladder height in Chernogorsk
  • Fixed car clipping in to bus at Klen Hill
  • Fixed randomly floating ivy at Klen Hill
  • Fixed whiteboard clipping through tent in Klen Hill
  • Fixed bag object clipping through tent in Klen Hill
  • Fixed removing dirt object near tower
  • Fixed camo tents floating at southwest roadblock
  • Fixed icy floating at west coast factory
  • Fixed factory building floating in Chernogorsk industrial
  • Fixed watchtower floating at Balota Airfield
  • Fixed floating car in Chernogorsk Industrial
  • Fixed gap in wall in underground tunnel
  • Fixed slightly floating railroad near underground tunnel
  • Fixed fuel barrel tilted in weird direction in underground tunnel
  • Fixed ground texture being concrete tiles around near underground tunnel
  • Fixed a few holes in the structure of underground tunnel
  • Fixed clutter objects slightly floating in underground tunnel
  • Fixed removing heli crash in between trees
  • Fixed building objects showing on map when there aren't any
  • Fixed tree clipping in to rocks along west river
  • Fixed plank supports clipping or floating
  • Fixed floating fake land near NEAF
  • Fixed tree growing from road at southwest roadblock
  • Fixed container clipping at southwest roadblock
  • Fixed box clipping through wall at southwest roadblock
  • Fixed wire feneces clipping to ground at southwest roadblock
  • Fixed floating truck and dirt piles at southwest roadblock
  • Fixed military truck floating at south west roadblock
  • Fixed fuel container clipping a bit in to cargo at southwest roadblock
  • Fixed icy clipping in to military container at southwest roadblock
  • Fixed stop gate placed weirdly at southwest roadblock
  • Fixed bushes floating along the walls of Cnerno international hotel
  • Fixed a slight gap in between floor objects in central Chernogorsk
  • Fixed unaligned powerlines north of Eketro
  • Fixed tree growing from road at NWAF
  • Fixed building too close to trees at NWAF
  • Fixed tree piercing through planks
  • Fixed garbage bags clipping through dumpster at west coast factory
  • Fixed container sunken in to other containers at west coast factory
  • Fixed stack of bamboo and removed from map as not lore friendly
  • Fixed bushes floating near coast between Cherno and Elektro
  • Fixed uneven ground near port at west coast
  • Fixed ivy floating from bus at Balota
  • Fixed objects floating at north west military base
  • Fixed pump slightly floating at Bor
  • Fixed gas tank clipping through building near west coast Factory
  • Fixed trees and bushes slightly floating west of Mogilevka
  • Fixed typo in map load screen
  • Fixed Balota town name not showing up when zooming out in map view
  • Fixed tree growing from house in Stary
  • Fixed huge tree blocking road at Kozlovka
  • Fixed floating survivor camp objects in central Chernogorsk
  • Fixed tree clipping in to hospital at central Chernogorsk
  • Fixed some hay bails clipping with each other around the map

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