T-14 Armata 主力戦車などある Arma 3 用 2035 年のロシア軍アドオンが v4.0 に

Arma3用2035年のロシア軍アドオン Arma3用2035年のロシア軍アドオン

Arma 3 に 2035 年の架空ロシア軍を追加する Fictional 2035 Russian Armed Forces アドオン がバージョン 4.0 へ更新。新しく GAZ Tigr と呼ばれる装甲車両や、歩兵用のヘルメット、軽量ベスト、戦闘機パイロット用のヘルメットなどを追加しました。

Arma3用2035年のロシア軍アドオン Arma3用2035年のロシア軍アドオン

アドオンでは砂漠迷彩パックや PP-2000 と ASH-12.7 といった武器、スペツナズのユニットもあります。


  • New uniforms in Hex, Urban Hex and Green Hex camo.
  • New MICH helmet in Hex, Urban Hex and Green Hex camo.
  • New Vests in green colour.
  • New Light Ballistic Vest.
  • New Helicopter pilot Helmet.
  • New Jet pilot Helmet.
  • Reworked Ballistic Vest model.
  • Fixed Ballistic protection of vests and units themselves.
  • New GAZ Tigr vehicle, replacing the temporary MRAP Karatel.
  • New GAZ Tigr with a remote controlled Arbalet-DM tower and KORD MG.
  • Minor Kamaz model reworks.
  • Added Jets DLC radar capabilities to SA-22.
  • Added new numbering system for heavy armoury.
  • Replaced NSVT-M MG (T-14) with a KORD MG.
  • Fixed Fire Geometry LODs for all vehicles. (which caused some trouble doing damage to them, because everything would just fly through it)
  • Fixed rockets shooting only from one turret (T-15 and SA-22). Now rockets will launch from both.
  • Ported SU-34 with new textures, which is replacing the temporary JAK-130. Jets DLC enhancements present.
  • Jets DLC features and ability to choose weapons for pylons for every air-related vehicle.
  • Minor KA-52 model edits.
  • Added door animation to KA-52.
  • Added numbering system.
  • Fixed textures for KA-52.
  • Fixed faulty cannon animation for KA-52. Now the weapon should look and behave correctly.
  • New Anti-Air launcher 9K-333 Verba with 1PN-97 optics.
  • New pylon of the 8V20 launcher and Vichr rockets for all air-related units.
  • New Holo sight EoTech-553 for Spetsnaz units.
  • New Laser sight Perst-1IK.
  • New models for all rockets/projecticles for all mod-related launchers (9M-133, 9M-336, 57E6 etc.)
  • New Laser-guided missile 9M-119 Refleks, which is used by the T-14.
  • Fixed the 2A42 cannon, which now has two fire modes - Single shot and burst.
  • Fixed penetration of 5,45x39 ammunition.
  • Fixed the angling of GP-30 (AK-12GP) Grenade launcher.

2035: Russian Armed Forces - ARMA 3 - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE - Bohemia Interactive Forums

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