DLC の発表など海外の人を賑わせた今週の Arma 3 シーン 08/06~08/12

DLC の発表など海外の人を賑わせた今週の Arma 3 シーン 08/06~08/12 です。

Arma 3 - Laws of War (Orange DLC) from arma

Law of War DLC 発表

This is more than enough reason for me to enjoy this dlc from arma


When the compound is full of civilians, but you think they might have a bomb. from arma


A R M A B O Y E from arma
The Laws of War DLC is coming along nicely from arma
Arma decided to uninstall itself... from arma

Arma 自らアンインストールを決めていた

[Arma 3 LoW] The new drones are pretty good from arma


TIL: Jets DLC static weapons have different textures from arma

Jets DLC の自動防衛兵器は属性で色を変更可能

Whoops G2a from arma

ベスト アーケード シューター

Hellenic Angels from arma
Bomemeia Interactive from arma
You can use setObjectTexture on the new IDAP tents to get generic camouflage variants from arma

IDAP テントに setObjectTexture を使って迷彩柄に

Remember to watch your fire on hard targets in case of ricochets from arma


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