Arma 3 の新しい機能の追加や不具合の修正、設定の微調整を先行しておこなう開発版が、リビジョン 140857 へ更新。Wipeout 攻撃機のセンサーは TGP の照準に対応。それにともない、HUD も改良しています。
現在は CCIP は白いゲームの UI として表示されていましたが、更新により計器の一部になりました。HUD 内には着弾点までの距離も示されています。
EXE rev. 140857 (game)
EXE rev. 140857 (launcher)
Size: ~419 MB (depends on Apex ownership)
- Added: Visual representation of thrust for the Caesar BTT MFD (Plane_Civil_01)
- Tweaked: Dependence of the 'Incapacitated' hitpoint was adjusted (and added to VR characters)
- Added: 'Incapacitated' and 'revived' death messages to the Revive system
- Fixed: The door of Taru's Transport Pod was not working correctly
- Tweaked: Wipeout sensors correspond with its TGP optics
- Tweaked: The SLAT armor and some other small details on the Kuma vehicle can be now retextured
- Fixed: The RscFrame, RscLine and RscCheckbox were not exported by BIS_fnc_exportGUIBaseClasses (https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/202717-bis_fnc_exportguibaseclasses-missing-classes)
- Tweaked: The SUV and Hatchback vehicles now have proper icon in the Virtual Garage
- Added: A new isDamageAllowed script command
Development Branch Changelog - ARMA 3 - DEVELOPMENT BRANCH - Bohemia Interactive Forums
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