海外の Arma 3 プレイヤーを賑わせた、Arma 3 シーン 02/19~02/25。
wasteland average player group from arma
Wasteland の平均的なプレイヤーグループ。
Saw this guy trying to help increase lift inside his chopper... from arma
I might be biased, but arma and its many Communities have brought people together like i've never seen before in a video game. My clan conducting basic training 4 years and 2 games apart. from arma
4 年間、二つのゲームでトレーニング。
"Local tribes claim that huge reptilian creatures can be encountered at the foot of the volcano.." from arma
a Prime example of why you shouldn't solo operate armor. from arma
You Should Have Gotten Out of Here Soldier.. from arma
Shit, I'm Hit! from arma
Aftermath from arma
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