Arma 3 の新しい機能の追加や不具合の修正、設定の微調整を先行しておこなう開発版が、リビジョン 139709 へ更新。あらたに マルチプレイ用のゲーム モードとして、Combat Patrol を追加しました。
EXE rev. 139709 (game)
EXE rev. 139721 (launcher)
Size: ~2.3 GB (depends on Apex ownership)
EXE rev. 139721 (launcher)
Size: ~2.3 GB (depends on Apex ownership)
- Added: Combat Patrol multiplayer game mode
- Tweaked: The volume for landing sounds of the AH-99 Blackfoot was increased
- Tweaked: Appearance of the Field Manual. Tree structure is now used for topic and hint selection, and it's possible to search in it.
- Tweaked: Advanced hints are now formatted using the unified function BIS_fnc_advHintFormat
- Added: When multiple Main Menu spotlight options are available, they are cycled automatically. User can browse them manually using arrows.
- Tweaked: Main Menu spotlight is now configured in the CfgMainMenuSpotlight instead of RscDisplayMain >> Spotlight. The old path will still be accepted, but considered obsolete
- Fixed: The shotInstigator command would return an incorrect value if the vehicle commander used Manual Fire
- Tweaked: The artillery's submunition trigger distance is now also affected by the target distance
- Fixed: Tasks were not visible in debriefing for who player died and switched their teams
- Fixed: AI would ignore orders when player was giving them from within a vehicle
- Tweaked: The BuildingChanged mission Event Handler is now triggered even when a building is repaired
- Fixed: Some memory was mapped incorrectly
- Fixed: Typo in maximum memory limit for the 64-bit platform
- Added: A pop-up message informing about the 64-bit client availability
現在は Altis で CO12 ミッションのみ。天候やリスポン数、敵の陣営と強さを選び、40 以上の場所を選びます。プレイヤーは目標として 2 つのトラックを破壊し、敵の増援が来る前に帰還する流れです。
Arma 3 の開発版を使う
Development Branch Changelog - ARMA 3 - DEVELOPMENT BRANCH - Bohemia Interactive Forums
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