AI が遮蔽から遮蔽へ移動するようになった、Arma 3 の Co-op でつかわれる AI を強化する VCOM AI MOD・スクリプト のバージョン 2.6 が公開され、さまざまな改良や最適化、AI は射撃をすると遮蔽から離れないようになるなど追加もおこなわれています。
Vcom AI vs. Vanilla AI - YouTube
Vcom AI では AI の行動を多岐にわたって改良をおこなっていて、部隊同士が連携をとったり、随伴している戦車などの車両も積極的に交戦をするようになります。
- Optimization: Replaced MANY getvariable and setvariable commands and replacing with local variables where necessary/possible.
- Optimization: Optimized the check AI leaders would do for enemies being inside buildings. It is less accurate overall, but should yield much better performance.
- Optimization: Artillery firing function slightly optimized.
- Changed: HOLD waypoint will prevent AI from being pulled around by VCOM AI. AI will still notice fire/proceed to combat mode. AI will still take cover and move to better cover locations.
- Changed: HOLD waypoint will only make AI garrison if the waypoint is within 15 meters of a building.
- Changed: AI will surpress enemies better.
- Changed: AI will respect Zeus waypoints even better now. (Make sure to use "FULL" movement if you want them to move NOW)
- New: AI will not leave their cover if they have shot recently.
- New: AI will do much better with CQB. The amount of times enemy AI will run right by each other should be drastically reduced.
- New: AI can not see through smoke grenades
- New: AI set on "FULL" speed will charge their enemies and disregard cover unless under direct fire.
- New: AI's accuracy/vision is impact my rain intensity.
- New: AI defined as medics
- New: AI that wander too far from their group will attempt to re-group if possible.
- Fixed: New vanilla units for Tanoa will deploy static weapons
- Fixed: Artillery units will now fire properly.
- Fixed: AI will ignore high flying aircraft for movement commands. This prevents AI trying to capture planes and rainbows.
- Fixed: AI's increasing accuracy system now works properly. The AI's accuracy will slowly increase as their enemies stick in one spot. Their accuracy is reset when target moves a short distance.
- Fixed: Fixed FSM hangup where AI would get stuck in a certain function - causing them to respond less to threats.
- Fixed: AI helicopters no longer attempt to fly into space with VCOM_AIDEBUG = 1 command.
- Fixed: Fixed AI squads getting stuck in certain cases and not advancing to a target.
- Fixed: Fixed AI squad leaders from charging off into the distance in most cases.
Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul - ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING - Bohemia Interactive Forums
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