Arma 3 開発版のリビジョン 136741 でレーダーとポインターを追加


Arma 3 の新しい機能の追加や不具合の修正、設定の微調整を先行しておこなう開発版が、リビジョン 136741 へ更新され、Squad Radar と呼ばれる分隊員の位置をしめす HUD、Tactical Ping というプレイヤーが指している場所をしめす UI が、開発中ながらも追加されています。

Arma3 開発版の新機能

Squad Radar は、画面の中央下部に分隊員の位置や向き、距離を HUD でしめす機能です。


EXE rev. 136741 (game)
EXE rev. 136739 (launcher)
Size: ~910 MB (depends on Apex ownership)
  • Fixed: AI units were displayed in the Entities list regardless of the settings in the Virtual Spectator
  • Tweaked: Various keybinding changes in the Arma 3 Apex preset (combat pace now uses 2xC, walk now uses LCTRL+C and zeroing is adjusted by LCTRL+MW)
  • Tweaked: Asset positions on Tanoa were improved
  • Added: Squad Radar (WIP)
  • Fixed: There was no dust particle effect for landed VTOLs
  • Fixed: Some parameters for AI driving had incorrect syntax
  • Fixed: AI would refuse to drive vehicles in some cases (
  • Tweaked: The PhysX component of AI driving was improved
  • Fixed: It was not possible to use UGLs when deployed
  • Added: Tactical Ping (WIP)
  • Fixed: The dust simulation for stationary airplanes was incorrect
  • Tweaked: The speed of commanded movement of vehicles was optimized
Eden Editor LAUNCHER
  • Fixed: Difficulty or AI level name was not displayed if server forced a custom difficulty
  • Tweaked: All mission names with encoded URL addresses are decoded when displayed
  • Tweaked: The map name capitalization is unified (map names are converted to a title case when displayed)
Arma3 開発版の新機能

Tactical Ping を実行すると非常に見えにくいですが、黄金色の円の右側に赤いビックリマークが画面上で出現します。黄金色の円は ACE3 MOD です。

開発版では拡張パック Apex の購入者むけに、 Tanoa が実装されるなど、リリースにむけて作業がおこなわれています。

Arma 3 の開発版を使う

Development Branch Changelog - ARMA 3 - DEVELOPMENT BRANCH - Bohemia Interactive Forums

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