Arma 3 で水中から魚が飛び出す Fish Jump スクリプト が公開されました。トリガーによって指定した範囲にはいると、何匹もの魚が跳ねているようになります。
FishJumpDemo MabungaSwamp - YouTube
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // JBOY_FishJump.sqf // By: johnnyboy // dmy = ["Random", thistrigger, distance] execvm "Scripts\JBOY_FishJump.sqf"; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (isServer) then { _fishType = _this select 0; // Specific Type of Fish, or "Random" will select randomly from a list of fish _observer = _this select 1; // Point where fish originates _distance = _this select 2; // Distance from origination point to spawn fish, or -1 for Random _pos = getpos _observer; _pos = [_pos select 0, _pos select 1, -2]; //_distance = -1; _fishTypes = ["Salema_F","Ornate_random_F","Mackerel_F","Tuna_F","Mullet_F","CatShark_F"]; if (_distance == -1) then { _distance = 1 + random 10; }; if (_fishType == "Random") then { _fishType = (_fishTypes call BIS_fnc_arrayShuffle) select 0; }; _fish = createAgent [_fishType, _pos, [], 0, "NONE"]; _fish playmove ""; _fish setpos (_fish modeltoworld [0,_distance,-.2]); _fish enableSimulation true; _vel = velocity _fish; _dir = random (360); _fish setdir _dir; //_speed = 4 + (random 3); _speed = 4.5 ; //_zVel = 5 +random 3; _zVel = 6; _heading = [getPosASL _fish,_fish modelToWorld [0,10,0]] call BIS_fnc_vectorFromXToY; _velocity = [_heading, _speed] call BIS_fnc_vectorMultiply; _velocity = [_velocity select 0, _velocity select 1, _zVel]; _fish setVectorDir _heading; // create an object to attach fish to and setVelocity on _bullet = "Land_CanOpener_F" createVehicle [10,10000,0]; _bullet disableCollisionWith _fish; _bullet setMass 10; _bullet setVelocity [0,0,0]; _bullet setdir direction _fish; _bullet setVectorDir _heading; _bullet setpos getpos _fish; sleep .1; // attach fish to moving object _fish attachTo [_bullet, [0,0,0]]; _bullet setVelocity _velocity; // wait until fish is above water, then falls back below water waituntil {sleep .01; getpos _bullet select 2 > 0}; waituntil {sleep .01; getpos _bullet select 2 <= 0}; // create bullet at final position to guarantee a splash effect _bullet2 = "B_556x45_dual" createVehicle [10,10000,0]; _bullet2 setpos (_bullet modelToWorld [.1,0,-.2]); _bullet2 setvelocity [0,0,-2]; sleep 1; deletevehicle _bullet2; waituntil {sleep 1; getpos _bullet select 2 <= 0}; detach _fish; deleteVehicle _bullet; sleep 1; // fish created via createAgent aren't being deleted by deleteVehicle for some reason, so setposing them away _fish setpos [110,110,0]; _fish enableSimulation false; deletevehicle _fish; };
つぎに、エディタ上で適用したい範囲にトリガーを置き、設定の Trigger:Activation、Activation を Anybody へ変更。Trigger:Expression の On Activation へ以下をコピペ。
dmy = ["Random", thistrigger,-1] execvm "JBOY_FishJump.sqf";
- johnnyboy
Fish Jump Script -- Released - ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING - Bohemia Interactive Forums
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