Arma 3 の新しい機能の追加や不具合の修正、設定の微調整を先行しておこなう開発版が、リビジョン 135532 に更新で、レーザー指示によるターゲットの捕捉の表示をかえたり、アクション メニューに表示される動作は、アクセシブルな動作だけ表示されるようになりました。
EXE rev. 135532 (game)
EXE rev. 135532 (launcher)
Size: ~51 MB
EXE rev. 135532 (launcher)
Size: ~51 MB
- Added: Available laser targets are now indicated to the crews of vehicles equipped with a laser tracker (laserScanner)
- Fixed: No respawn position would be shown in the Respawn menu in some cases, even though it would be already in the scenario
- Tweaked: The “Task Creation” module now accepts new 'task type' and 'always visible' attributes
- Tweaked: AutoZeroing does not need the canLock parameter anymore
- Fixed: Pressing the CTRL key while zoomed in would cause zooming out (
- Fixed: The color of some particles under dynamic lighting was incorrect when using the multi-component fog
- Tweaked: The Zeus unit icons now have a higher contrast
- Added: Action Menu Filtering based on accessible actions
- Tweaked: The multiplayer synchronization of Weapon Switching on the Move was improved
- Fixed: A potential crash when a mortar is destroyed while players use the Artillery Computer
- Fixed: Scrolling of the score table was not working in some cases
- Fixed: Car tracks would appear on the ground even with the shadows disabled
- Fixed: The ORBAT group icons would overlap with the task icons in the map interface
- Fixed: Vehicle crew would be selected after pasting a vehicle in the Eden Editor
- Fixed: The marker names were not localized in the Entity List
- Fixed: Scenarios imported from the 2D editor would ignore the user’s binarization settings
- Fixed: Logging a position of the Comment entity to the clipboard would produce a script error
- Tweaked: Eden attribute commands (get3DENAttribute, set3DENAttribute, set3DENAttributes) now accept the Entity ID
- Fixed: The UI sliders would react to user input even when no active cursor was hovering above them
Arma 3 の開発版を使う
Development Branch Changelog - ARMA 3 - DEVELOPMENT BRANCH - Bohemia Interactive Forums
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