ヘルメットやバックパック、ユニフォームを数種類の迷彩へリテクスチャした、オーストラリア軍を Arma 3 へ追加の AUSSIEpack アドオン が公開されました。歩兵の装備だけでなく、他の MOD から LAV と ブッシュマスター装甲車、M1 主力戦車、UH-60M 汎用ヘリと CH-47F 輸送ヘリ、Tigr 攻撃ヘリも取り込みしています。
持っている武器も、MOD の取り込みで AUG A3 やカールグスタフ無反動砲です。
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アドオンには Arma 3 用 Community Base Addons と Specialist Millitary Arms MOD、 MRT Accessory Functions MOD、 TF47 Launchers MOD が必要です。
take absolutely NO! credit for the creation of any of the vehicles and their inner workings (Tho i have retextured the Tiger and Abrams), i have not renamed any of their pbos so you can see what they have generously allowed me to use. If you enjoy these items please support the creator by visiting their individual mod or sending them a message thanking them for their great work.
- Cunico for the Spec 4 Vests
- FFAA team for the use of their Tiger chopper
- Bamse & GermanArmaNoobXD for their help with armour values
- Pinga for the use of the ADFU vehicles and his bushmaster
- Raid for the use of this Abrams tank
- BroBeans for help with some of the configs
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