Arma 3 開発版のリビジョン 134311 で武器と爆発音へさらに設定


Arma 3 の安定版に先行して、新しい機能の追加や不具合の修正、設定の微調整をおこなう開発版がリビジョン 134311 へ更新され、武器とランチャーの発射音や着弾音などに、多数の調節がおこなわれています。その一環としてガトリング砲の音がループされるようになりました。


EXE rev. 134311 (game)
EXE rev. 134332 (launcher)
Size: ~130 MB
  • Tweaked: SFX for weapons and explosives:
    • Fixed: Config syntax
    • Fixed: Missing sounds for shooting with suppressor (SPMG)
    • Tweaked: Decreased volume attenuation of sounds which still use the old configuration
    • Tweaked: Less attenuation in helicopters and airplanes
    • Tweaked: Tail samples (e.g. pistol reflection tails)
    • Tweaked: AT and AP missiles now use the new configuration
    • Fixed: Explosions of light missiles have the correct sample names now (explosion sound of RPG fixed)
    • Tweaked: Shooting with suppressor volume decreased
    • Tweaked: Enabled new configuration for Wipeout HE and AP rocket explosions
    • Tweaked: Small shell explosions
    • Fixed: Missing sample
    • Tweaked: Gatling loop samples (brrrrrrrrt)
    • Tweaked: Blackfoot gatling loop
    • Tweaked: Small shells and medium / heavy rocket explosions volume tweaks
  • Fixed: Object categorization was not Eden-compatible
  • Fixed: Interactive Zeus Intel items are now in a category of their own (in Eden Editor -
  • Fixed: Bushes should no longer provide immortality to characters hiding inside
  • Tweaked: If the selected respawn position get's removed from the Respawn Menu, a random position is no longer selected (was leading to a bad respawn location)
  • Fixed: Footstep sounds should work correctly again even on Altis
  • Fixed: Independent FIA Mk6 Mortar had an incorrect autho
Eden Editor ENGINE LAUNCHER Server Browser
  • Fixed: Server IP address / port passed to the game were incorrect
  • Fixed: Server Browser column headers alignment
  • Fixed: Server status icons unified in both full and alternative (short) row view
  • Fixed: Mod count is not calculated for a server with a different version (no mods were displayed)
  • Fixed: Added handling for errors when access to a profiles folder was denied
  • Added: Server Browser now saves the last active filter and sort mode for each tab
  • Tweaked: The players column in the Server Browser is now sorted by the number of current players (instead of max number of players)


Arma 3 の開発版を使う

Development Branch Changelog - ARMA 3 - DEVELOPMENT BRANCH - Bohemia Interactive Forums

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