Arma 3 の安定版に先行して、新しい機能の追加や不具合の修正、設定の微調整をおこなう開発版がリビジョン 133964 へ更新され、 Eden エディタと Arma 3 ランチャーが、従来のフォントから新しいフォントへと置き換わりました。
EXE rev. 133964 (game)
EXE rev. 133953 (launcher)
Size: ~82 MB
DATAEnd Game
- Fixed: The "Armor" value of uniforms, vests and helmets was not showing accurate values after the recent Personal Protective Equipment system overhaul. The stat is now replaced by new "Ballistic Protection" and "Explosive Resistance" stats in Arsenal.
- Tweaked: The "Range" stat in Arsenal is now based on "maxZeroing", not the "maxRange" config property
- Added: Entering Arsenal in the Virtual Arsenal scenario now resets stamina
- Fixed: The "Rotation" attribute in the "Set Position" module offered only an "enabled" option
- Fixed: Wrong UV on the right doors of the Services Offroad
- Tweaked: Size of all fonts for improved readability
- Added: When viewing an End Game match in Spectator mode, it’s now possible to see how many Intel points a side has on the header, when a side is in the second phase
- Added: The losing side, from phase 2, will now get the schematics position revealed after 2 minutes, if the winning side does not collect them in that time
- Added: Scripted event handler EndGame_OnDownloadCompleted, which is triggered on all machines when a download / upload is succeeded, returns the side which downloaded / uploaded and whether it was an upload
Eden Editor
- Tweaked: Spectator 3rd Person Perspective no longer resets inputs (zoom, yaw, pitch) when switching units
- Tweaked: Improved 3rd Person Perspective when viewing a unit
- Fixed: The Spectator unit info panel info was not correctly updated
- Tweaked: The weapon picture in the unit info panel was barely visible against a dark background
- Added: Eden Editor is now using the new fonts
- Fixed: Trigger areas were too shiny in NVG view
- Added: Supersonic crack speed of sound speed simulation
- Fixed: Vehicle commanders could not switch the gunner's weapon
- Fixed: MP event handlers are no longer reindexing themselves after some of them are removed
- Fixed: When a copilot (with sensor pod) takes controls, the mouse moves the view and controls the aircraft at same time (http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=27345)
- Fixed: Main menu crash (http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=27410)
- Fixed: Small tweaks to support upcoming improvements to vehicle weapon switching
- Tweaked: The UI is now using the new fonts
- Tweaked: UI metrics to accommodate the new font
Arma 3 の開発版を使う
Development Branch Changelog - ARMA 3 - DEVELOPMENT BRANCH - Bohemia Interactive Forums
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