Arma 3 の戦闘服を ATACS の IX バージョンにした ATAC IX アドオン が公開されました。
ATACS という迷彩の、IX 柄があります。あとオークリーのグローブを身に着けています。
- road runner
- ThePunisher: for allowing me to use his Crye Logo and oakley glove part, and the basis of what most of my uniforms are contrsucted on.
- Hawaiian : for his oakley glove, hand made, again based on the punishers good work.
- Vanschmoozin : for his inspiration that no matter how little you try, good things always come, and always get better, and his textures are smokin hot
- Sabre : well, he's THE artist we all asapire to.
- somerenV from for the US4CES cam texture
- Recolour from for the Avatar cam texture
- BiS for the whole Arma series
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