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1600 平方キロメートルの広さで、Arma 3 にオーストラリアを再現する Australia マップ アドオン がバージョン 2.00 ベータへ更新。多数の修正やオブジェクト配置が大幅におこなわれています。
アドオンでは 270 平方メートル Altis 島が 8 個分入るという広さで、広大な砂漠地帯、険しい山脈や熱帯雨林の地域など様々な特徴を備えており、中でも東端に位置し、南北に連なる 30 キロメートルに山脈など全てのスケールが大きなアドオンです。
- set objects to correct height
- roads smoother
- roads less slippery
- lighting fixed
- sounds fixed ( ambient sounds added)
- road network completed
- Apartment block icon fixed
- fixed glitching in Sydney Powerstation
- Retextured Melbourne Airport runway
- Flattened Perth football field
- fixed Glitching in Alice Springs airport
- various satellite and mask fixes
- Removed Broken T pieces from Roads
- Fixed PAA errors on startup
- mine height adjusted in Desert
- removed trees and bushes from Roads
- Adjusted Containers to correct heights in Docks
- Plus loads more Bug Fixes
- Flattened Bridge south of Melbourne near Industrial area
- Fixed texture error popup in Perth and desert Areas
- Many Bug fixes on new Buildings
- new Intro Cutscene
- 2 new double story houses added
- 4 new variations single story houses added
- Added Comm Bank building
- Added Centerlink building
- Added Small prison building
- retextuerd Centrelink
- Perth Airport added
- Retextured all of Tasmania
- Added 3 new towns in Tasmania
- Added new plaza and 3 new underground parking areas in Melbourne
- New treehut/slum village
- Added rusty WW2 plane as a wreck
- Added more underwater wrecks
- Added more Wreck icons
- Added prison/holding yard Perth
- Added more houses to various suburbs
- Added Stadium to Melbourne
- Added more lights to Cities/suburbs
- Added new Hotel area to Brisbane
- Added rocks/plants to Lake in Sydney
- Added Police station in Alice Springs
- Added Hospital Alice Springs
- Added Prison to Alice Springs
- Added Prison to Brisbane
- Added Prison to Melbourne
- Added more traffic lights to all Capital Cities
- Added Multistory white office Building to Broken Hill
- Added Houses to Toowoomba
- Added Police station to Tasmania
- Added Hospital to Tasmania
- new grass texture Tasmania
- new broadleaf crop to Tasmania
- new Central Business blocks in melbourne
- added more wheat fields
- Removed Arma2 docks in Melbourne replaced with Arma 3 Docks
- Added thousands of trees to west coast desert areas
- Added map icons for all Police,Hospital,prisons
- Added map icons for Mountains over 250 Meters
- Added more housing in Perth
- Rebuilt Tailem Bend town
- Added industrial building to Brisbane
- Added small Army base to Desert Area plus north coast
- Removed Arma2 Hospital in Melbourne replced with Arma3 Hospital
- Red Desert Textures slow cars
- retextured Comm bank Buildings
- added grass to Pinegap
- Added map icons for Palm trees
- Added Debug island bottom left of Map
- Wheat Silos
- Added Concrete area South East of Darwin for Players to build base etc
- Added more street signs
- Added Custom billboards
- Added Bridge construction site to east perth
- Added Tennis courts
- Added more trees/bushes to all over map
- Tweaked clutter model to obtain more FPS
- Added State Icons to map
- Added Quarry to map
- Added more buildings to Willcania town
- Added icons for lumber yards
- Added treehut
- Added wooden lookout tower
- Added Helipads to police stations that dont have external landing facilities
- Added sounds to Prison Gates
- plus heaps more new stuff that i cant be bothered adding here
- Skyscrapers
- removed large rocks
- removed all Arma 2 Road crash barriers
- more Arma 1 buildings removed
- Some Arma 1 piers replaced with Arma 3 items
アドオンには All in Arma Terrain Pack が必要です。
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