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Arma 3 に AKM や SCAR-H の小銃を各種に加え、M110 と M107、M24 などの狙撃銃、いくつかの照準器を追加する EricJ Weapons Pack がバージョン 6.56 へ更新され、新たに MK4 CQ/T や M3A 照準器などが実装されます。
EricJ Weapons Pack MOD では他にも、Ultimax 100 などが実装されます。
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- Updated Ammo Box and fixed some errors.
- HK61514 now has appropriate 3D model.
- Tweaked M14 Mod 0 EBR inventory images to match BIS's work.
- Fixed PIF Soldier backpack
- Included Basic Defines.hpp which may fix some other issues.
- PIF Zafir MG now has an ARCO added.
- PIF Soldiers, with the exception of the CSAT Advisor, do not have NVGs, maps or compasses.
- Thanks to Warlord554, the Mk12 specific suppressor has these versions: FDE Tan, Desert, Black, Green Snake Skin, OD Green and have the [SOCMOD] tags in-game to show appreciation.
- Also thanks to Warlord554 is an early version of the QD suppressor for SR-25 rifles, specifically the M110 SASS.
- Ultimax positions have been adjusted for the Marksman DLC.
- Added PIF UAV Operator, and Navid MG (Heavygunner), and Grenadier.
- Added AK-47/GP25 for the PIF as well as for player use.
- Added more RVMATs to various stuff as well as tweaking more as I go along.
- Fixed AT4 secondary sight mount that can mount optics. It should be noted that there is a secondary system for the weapon, but is a simple aiming post, nothing fancy. Removed Thermal Imaging frmo the targeting ability, users will have to mount a thermal scope in order to use thermal vision.
- Added a Green version of the Glock 45CL.
- Improved textures as well as 3D models of both Glocks.
- Added "Ibex" reflex sights, based on my military science fiction work, mountable on pistols (100m set zero), SMGs (200m set zero), and Rifles (300m set zero), and zeroed for optimum performance with each.
- Weapons that realistically have enough "real estate" to mount the PVS-22/M3LR scope can only mount that optic on the system, or any ASDG-compatible weapon with a "long" setting for the mod.
- Fixed M8 Carbine Reflex sight with appropriate RVMAT
- Added the "Improved RPG-32", which is the standard RPG-32 except now fires a rocket that can be used against aircraft and infantry (AI use).
- Naming conventions are compatible with ALIVE, but is not required for use or gameplay.
- Added a basic Persian Islamic Front Infantry Squad
- Added a small "Technical" group as well, uses the OPFOR Offroad HMG.
- HK416 uses appropriate sound (finally...)
- Weapons now have better AI settings.
- Fixed missing vertexes on the SCAR Mk20 SSR 7.62 and .300 Blackout versions.
- Tweaked and fixed some parts for the HK417s and tweaked the HK418 as well as tweaks to the HK615s.
- Added a mod specific Insurgency map (Altis) in the MPMissions folder in the @U100 Extras folder download. For Steam the mission will be uploaded to the Workshop. Note that the ammoboxes have VAS, Virtual Arsenal, and ASORG enables. The supply drop script that I got off of
- maholic only uses VAS and ASORG. If reqyested I can enable Arsenal but bear in mind it will activate as soon as the box spawns, so given it does that I chose not to use it. Activation for the supply drop is 0-0-1 or Radio Trigger Alpha. And if you wish to modify it to suit your tastes then by all means do so.
- te that the squares will activate when a player is within 300m and does feature Technicals as the main vehicle threat.
- Improved Mk262 lethality with the M27s
- Fixed L85 magazines, the L85UGL uses the same magazines as the L85.
- Tweaked AK-47 bullet characteristics to better reflect baseline NATO 7.62mm values, all AK-47s have a set Initspeed of 715 across the board.
- Tweaked 3D model of AT4 Guided, made it smaller to give it a distinctive look compared to the dumb fired AT4 CS.
- Fixed some missing texture error paths.
- Fixed SureFire 45ACP Suppressor model.
- Added Leopold MK4 CQ/T.
- Improved lethality of the AT4s.
- Added the M3A Scope as an accessory, as well as an M3A/PVS-22 combo as well, PVS-22 courtesy of WarLord554.
- Tweaked Harris Bipod models.
- Barretts now have animated bipods.
- Added M24 Modular Rifle
オプションとして "lkr_u100_sound.pbo" を有効化すると、 サウンド MOD JSRS の音が適用されるようになります。(有効化には JSRS MOD を読み込んでいる必要があります。)
EricJ Weapons Pack アドオンには Arma 3 用 Community Base Addons と ASDG ジョイント レール アドオン が必要です。
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