Arma 3 に新しい機能や不具合修正を先行して実装する開発版がリビジョン 130511 に更新され、歩兵ユニットの首部分に表示される不具合が修正されました。
EXE rev. 130511 (game)
EXE rev. 130512 (launcher)
Size: ~109 MB
EXE rev. 130512 (launcher)
Size: ~109 MB
- Fixed: The animation source AddGunHolder was not defined in the config of the Mohawk
- Changed: ELBV Harnesses are not visible in the game anymore, since they are now obsolete. LBV Harnesses can be used instead.
- Tweaked: Some OPFOR Recon soldiers got LBV Harnesses instead of obsolete ELBV Harnesses
- Fixed: Arm-shields of the AAF heavy vest to fit with BLUFOR / OPFOR
- Tweaked: Configured countsForScoreboard for base classes
- Added: Function BIS_fnc_logFormatServer to Functions_F
- Added: Missed setting forgotten when functions were ported from a different addon
- Changed: BIS_fnc_initVehicle_textures is no longer defined by the VhC function because it was a duplicate of the command getObjectTextures
- Fixed: When exporting from Garage when there is no animation source to change, the export will force the default state of the animations (instead of a randomization)
- Tweaked: Sound for Check Point Clear used in Firing Drills and Time Trials
- Fixed: Static HMGs now have distinguishable tracers per side
- Fixed: Sound: Looped sound repeating with short empty gap
- Fixed: Occasional stuttering of 2D icons
- Fixed: Strange soldier neck glitch
- Fixed: BattlEye status changes were received and processed in batches
- Added: A preset list to a play split button that allows you load a mod preset and play the game in a single click (ok, actually it's two clicks)
- Added: Copyright information the for wpf tray license
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