Arma 3 に新しい機能や不具合修正を先行して実装する開発版がリビジョン 130299 へ更新され、武器のデプロイ時にもう 1 つめの高さやを追加や、水陸両用車両が水上走行時に、正しいギアボックスを使うようになりました。
EXE rev. 130299 (game)
EXE rev. 130303 (launcher)
Size: ~436 MB
EXE rev. 130303 (launcher)
Size: ~436 MB
- Added: Another height of weapon deployment
- Fixed: Muzzle flash of Panther GMG was not visible at a low framerate
- Added: Amphibious vehicles have proper gearbox for water movement
- Fixed: MBT main cannon zeroing didn't work for the highest values (see http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=23318)
- Tweaked: Volume of the Strider commander turret movement sounds
- Fixed: High caliber rifle ammo was able to pass through the VR Gorgon (see http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=23064)
- Optimized: Network traffic for some of the AI related messages
- Fixed: Weapon Deployment - If players use a UAV terminal when they have deployed a weapon, they get stuck and cannot undeploy
- Fixed: Popping of subscribed items (SteamLayer)
- Fixed: Content list checking period (SteamLayer)
- Fixed: The list of presets expands beyond popup boundaries and it is clipped instead of enabling a vertical scrollbar
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