Arma 3 開発版がリビジョン 130072 に


Arma 3 に新しい機能や不具合修正を先行して実装する開発版がリビジョン 130072 へ更新され、実績が解除されないことや MOS 照準器のゼロインなどの不具合と、残響音の微調整などが施されました。


EXE rev. 130072 (game)
EXE rev. 130083 (launcher)
Size: ~144 MB
  • Tweaked: Set up proper deployment and undeployment times
  • Fixed: FD11 - Rogue moving target rails at one shooting station
  • Fixed: Achievement Hip Shooter was still not always unlock-able
  • Fixed: Adjusted minimal zeroing of MOS
  • Fixed: Katiba GL had some strange view while used in FFV
  • Changed: Credits have been updated
  • Changed: Prone deployed animations (yesterday’s version had a better firing arc, but the pose was problematic)
  • Fixed: Sniper wearing Ghillie suit is now able to put more camouflage even on rebreathers and heavy vests (we realize this is not the ideal solution, but it’s the best we can provide now)
  • Tweaked: Tail samples
  • Tweaked: MX in meadows tail samples
  • Fixed: Showcase FFV - AI squad leaders will no longer disembark from the helicopter to engage enemy units
  • Added: Possibility to configure crew in each turret separately (property gunnerType in turrets)
  • Fixed: Possible CTD in the load script command
  • Changed: Script command load and loadAbs return 0 instead of null when a wrong parameter is given
  • Changed: Script commands loadUniform, loadVest, loadBackpack and getMass return 0 instead of null when a wrong parameter is given
  • Fixed: Reverting changes in controls priority for movement (until we find a better solution)
  • Fixed: AI soldiers should no longer get stuck around buildings
  • Fixed: Zeroing for deployed weapons on slopes shoots in the aiming direction
  • Fixed: Local recoil movement when a unit is deployed
  • Fixed: Inventory - Disappearing items (vests and uniforms) in inventory after swapping
  • Fixed: Un-subscribe fail handling (SteamLayer)
  • Tweaked: Undeployment is smoother and less clunky
  • Added: Workaround for legacy items that are not converted for the new Workshop version



Development Branch Changelog - BI forum

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